Moving on in life.🍒🍒🍒

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Chapter fourteen...........

Since I'm a single woman now I needed to face my fears of going back to the beach we're those surfers are surfing those big waves , the beach we're I've been watching sunrises and sunsets day and night everyday . The beach we're I met Nathan for the first time with his best friend Cody and his evil girlfriend Jess who's way too obsessed with him . The only problem would Jess be there telling me to back off her boyfriend? Would Cody be there surfing waves ? . I really miss him and definitely want to see him . I get up out of my bed and get dressed in my favorite bikini . Then before I know it I'm outside for the very first time in a few days . I'm walking on the sandy beach searching for them . I saw Jess surfing side by side with Nate and he shoved her off her board and into those big waves . She pops her head above the water and spit up water shouting at him . I'm laughing. I'm searching for Cody and found him surfing a big wave passing by Jessica .
I waved at him and his attention goes straight to me as he waved right back. Nathan did to . His eyes are watching me and it honestly made me uncomfortable especially when his girlfriend was around. Jess eyes searched the beach and I hide behind a palm tree . I don't want any drama today . I peek and she's not looking my way anymore. Cody still was surfing . I peeked out from behind the trees and just decided to sit down behind the trees and watch them all surf . My attention fully on Cody surfing those waves of course.
Hey are you watching us surf ! Nathan said from behind me . I jumped in the air giving away my hiding spot . I looked him up and down - go back to surfing with Jessica before she murder me out in the ocean. Nate - I wouldn't let her. And she's my girlfriend but I don't think for much longer she's gonna be . Uh yeah she is I get up dusting sand from my butt . You're not breaking up with her because I can't stand listing to how I ruined you're relationship and blah blah blah . Plus I'm here to ask your best friend out or wait till he asks me . Nate - I don't think you belong together. Summer - I think you're just fed up with dealing with spending money on your girlfriend. Nate laughed - no shit I'm fed up . I'm not ready for a serious relationship with her . She's actually crazy and who knew it took the new girl to show me that side of Jess . Summer - I didn't do anything. I just hoped you'd notice her nasty girl attitude. She's just very overprotective of you . Im not even into you and she thinks in her mental mind that I'm definitely interested in ya .
Nate - well I wish you liked me and not my best friend. Summer - awe sucks to be you !!
Cody runs up the sandy beach saying hey summer what are you doing here ? Watching me surf ? . Summer blushing red - uh yeah . Are you done surfing ? I'd love to try it out again . Cody blushed red - absolutely! We should definitely get you back on that board .
Nate rolled his eyes at us both I'll see you guys around bye . Jess gave me a nasty look .
Nate and Jess kissed and walked away hand In hand . I'm definitely confused over their relationship. But if he wants to be fake happy in a relationship great for Nathan then !!!
Cody - maybe we should wait till they leave to go out surfing i know you don't get along with Jess . I'll survive let's do this I say . He laughed and handed me the surf board as I kissed him and ran towards the ocean . Jess whispered in Nathan's ear something that I can't hear and he burst into laughter. Did he see me kiss Cody ? I sure hope he saw it !!!

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