Getting under my skin . 🏝️🏝️🏝️

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Chapter two...........

I sat down on my knees in the hot Florida sand and tossed my hair up into a high phony tail . Watching the surfers was my new favorite hobby . If this keeps me busy and it's a great excuse for not heading back to our grandparents beach house then so freaking be it . Plus that Cody Johnson boys kinda cute. I definitely hated being the new girl all of a sudden. Speak of the devil Cody was walking up the beach s surf board in his arm vs a volleyball. I was shocked to see the boy I crashed into was walking with him . Surf board in his arms as well. Unbelievable I mumbled. Hey new girl he says coldly. Cody looked confused - how do you know each other? . Nate ? . Nate was his name how adorable?!!!
Nate - we met at the beach she crashed right into me and lost her balance in the ocean. I think it was super funny man you should've seen her . Summer - that's not true at all !!!
I was simply just minding my own business when you're friend here knocked me into the ocean ! I was picking up seashells. Cody - don't worry summer I believe you . Nate .
Nate raised an eyebrow at me then his buddy - yeah man ? I'm starving after surfing ! I think we should get some food . Nate - okay let's go . Bye new girl he says coldly shoving by me . Bye Sumer Cody says . Bye I say coldly because I'm not being nice to rude boys .
He definitely would get under my skin , he's already getting underneath my freaking skin . That boy will be the death of me. I get up and walk home and get ice tea on the way home from some little girls outside their home selling ice teas . Their adorable and very smart . My mother - oh hello sweetheart welcome home . Pancakes ? Have a seat !!
I'm not very hungry mother I say and I regret saying it . Have a seat young lady she's pointing at the kitchen table. I sat down and sink into my seat . Pancakes eat up before they get cold . I ate my pancakes and sighed in defeat. They are delicious not gonna lie .
I knew the boys would get under my skin . More Nate then Cody . I'm looking forward to it actually. Maybe I should challenge him in some sports . I'm only good at soccer !!
I ate quick and decided to sneak outside in the backyard. I got back in my float in the pool and FaceTime my boyfriend jasper . Hey babe looks very sunny and beautiful out there , I'm jealous you're there , I'm freezing here . I'm in boots and a winter coat !!!!!!!
Summer - yeah I guess it's kinda nice , the kids here are very rude though. It's definitely hard to make new friends. It's good I'm only here during the summertime. Jasper - I'm sorry babe . Yeah it's a good thing because I miss you here back at home . Hurry back !!!
Summer - don't worry I'm definitely not going to stay for long . I smirked. Love you bye I added . Love you to he says bye and then I hung up the phone on him . I end up take a nap and I forgot to put more sunblock on my skin . So I woke up as red as a lobster !!!!

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