childish boyband

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"And I hope that you don't run from me"

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I recommend to play the song when you'll see
" * " during the story.

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3 years prior...

The sun goes thought the car windows of the old bright red BMW 5-Series that's along the road blasting the new One Direction album.

"Can we please stop listening to One Direction on repeat? We've been playing them for the whole entire time" I complain again to Alessia, my sister, before turning my head torwards her. She's been playing the whole new album, Made In The A.M, since we got in the car without letting me chose a single song, only because apparently my tastes aren't as good as 4, once 5, boys wearing skinny black jeans and singing.

"No we can't Sole! You can't stop our true love like this... you know damn well how much I love them!" she responds before turning the whole volume up and I snort annoyed before resting my head against the head rest of the car's seat.

"You're too obsessed with them Ale... you even skipped 3 school days when Zayn left, they're just a band and they'll never know about your existence" I tell her while turning my head to face the road again, "I'm sorry to tell you this, but you're 18 now, you should start to think about your future and not about a boyband."

"I don't care! You don't get them as much as I do - she replies while still looking at the road in front of us - do you remember when you were less boring and used to like them?" I roll my eyes and nod a bit, before taking my responsabilities. "Those were childish crushes, and besides this, I've moved beyond that expecially now that Zayn left, he was the only one that I actually enjoyed."

She sighs out of despair "Really? Not even Harry or Niall could change your mind?"
"Definitely not, not even your prince Harry could change my mind" I reply with a smirk on my face, knowing so well how much she likes that boy.

She sighs exasperated "You could at least tell me who you like, if you think One Direction are childish."

"C'mon Ale, you know so well how much I like Taylor Swift and 1989 it's just so good, you can't understand! I can't wait to see how the new album will be!"

"Oh yeah right, I forgot about your obsession with her and I'm glad to know that you like an album whose most songs are about your so "hated" Harry Styles" she lets out a little laugh while I'm rolling my eyes, I won't admit in front of her that Harry Styles is, actually, not THAT bad.

"But anyway - she continues - we're gonna listen to Made In The A.M. because it just came out and I HAVE to support my boys." She proudly continues with a smile on her face.

"Like you haven't listened to it before" and I just can hear her scoffing as a reply of my statement.

The car is now silent except for the first notes of Infinity, starting to play at the radio, but then I can hear Ale scoffing again, before admitting that I'm actually right. "Okay, fine! I did listen to all the album already 5 times even though it came out a few hours ago, but I swear that was when I was in a different mood, so now every song sounds so different to me - she pauses to let a little smirk cross her face, still looking at the road in front of us - anyway, we're going to listen to the entire album".

"Can we at least skip a few ones? - There are some REALLY bad songs on this record - I point at the radio's screen, which is telling me the name of the track that's currently playing - like Infinity" I tell her, knowing that the song it's actually one of her favourites of the album.

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