Anyone and everyone who had a weapon drew it to the woman but she fired a single shot that lodged into Maggie's thigh "I wouldn't do that if I were you" she taunted as Maggie fell to the cement gripping her leg tightly.

Riley and Taylor lowered their weapons and Riley stepped in front of George trying to hide his wounds so the women wouldn't put him down. "Wh-" Rick began but another gunshot into the air cut him off

"Uh uh. I do the talking," she told coldly "Get inside. On your knees"

The group warily walked into their home, Maggie being dragged by a strange man who emerged from the camp. Jessica and Penny were on the hard ground with their hands tied behind their backs and an older woman was holding the crying Judith. Rick's jaw tightened as he saw his child with a stranger but he didn't say a word. Taylor sighed in a small breath of relief as she saw Jessica. Penny smiled when she saw George.

The Ottawa members looked around in shock, confusion, and pain as they saw their home was now destroyed. Their campers had been picked through, their clothes and personal items all thrown out on the lawns and a few of the campers had been lit on fire. As they knelt to the ground Riley noticed that Bill wasn't among them before a man began to tie their wrists. The Martyr roughly handling Maggie led her to an elderly man who helped her to the ground and began to tend to her gunshot wound.

"You really thought you'd get away with attacking my family?" the woman huffed, all of their hearts sank as they realized a Martyr was in their home and destroying it. Rick, however, seemed to be more angry than worried.

"You're a Martyr?" Hank questioned "Well, your family's dead so good luck" he chuckled bravely

Her eyes darkened as she stepped closer to Hank "I suggest you watch your tone" she whispered as she leaned her head to his ear.

She stepped back in front of the group and sighed placing her hands on her hips. Three men and six women surrounded her two elders were off to the side one cradling Judith and the other keeping an eye on Maggie, all their clothes matching and their weapons aimed at the people in front of them

"I suppose an introduction is needed. I'm Yasmine," she stuck out her hand and pulled it back with a laugh "Oh right. Anyway, I was Harper's husband's best friend. I helped build the Martyrs. I'm the reason we're as strong as we are, not Harper. But that's beside the point. You fucked with us and now, now you need to pay."

"Your people kidnapped us! We didn't do anything" Riley shouted which earned a glare from his leaders

"We did what we had to grow our community," Yasmine remarked "We didn't hurt anyone"

"You idiots decided to take matters into your own hands," a rugged dark-skinned man with a rifle stepped up

"Don, enough. I got this handled"

"I'd actually like to handle this," a familiar scruffy voice suddenly popped up as Bill rounded the corner with a bag of supplies slung over his shoulder. "Been keepin' my eye on these folks, think I know how to best get rid of 'em"

Jaws dropped as gaps escaped lips and anger along with betrayal filled the faces of the group. George, growing paler by the second, straightened his back and coughed "What the hell, Bill!? You're a Martyr? You lied to us!?" sweat leaked down his face as he used all the spare energy he could to shout at the trader

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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