Chapter64: Realisations

Start from the beginning

At current, the clan was recollecting their strength over a large meal that Akira and Karin had prepared. Everyone was there except for Tama. It didn't feel right that she wasn't there.

"I'll go check on nee-san now.", Akira said softly. Next to her, Shisui nodded with a gentle smile.

She left immediately.

Now, the Tamaki village wasn't easy to navigate. It took a while for the girl to finally remember where Tama's room was.

When she got there, Tama was already leaving, and so she returned with her. The journey back to dining hall was a lot easier with Tama there to guide her.

There was loud, chipper chatter as they approached the hall. Much expected of the rowdy Uzumaki clan, but the whole place fell silent once the large shogi slid open. Tama stepped in, not at all bothered, but Akira found herself clinging to her side.

"Nee-san, you're awake!", Karin chirped as she rose to her feet. She rushed to Tama's side immediately. Tama was quick to embrace her gently.

"Did you think that I fainted again? I'm not that weak, you know.", she joked. Karin laughed merrily, before she and Akira led their sister to the table.

"Have something to eat. We made you Daifuku Mochi.", Akira said. Karin nodded.

Tama smiled gently as she sat down. The girls sandwiched her, moving Shisui to the side. He sighed, but said nothing as he drank his tea. From the corner of his eye, he caught Tama looking at him thoughtfully. He raised his cup, cocking his head to the side, and smiled. She cast him the shadow of a smile and nodded.

"I'm glad to see you're fairing well.", she said. Shisui paused, confused.

"I should say so to you. Are you alright?", he asked. She nodded, before turning to face her bowl. At this point, Karin and Akira had filled it to the brim, but Tama didn't seem to mind. She picked up her chopsticks.

"Itadakimasu.", she said softly. Akira giggled.

"How does it taste?" she asked. Tama swallowed and pinched the girl's cheek playfully.

"It's perfect. I didn't know you girls could cook Katsu Nabe.", she said as she suddenly beought both of them in for a hug.

"Shisui nii-san taught us how to make it. He also guided us through the whole process.", Karin admitted. Tama chuckled. They seemed to have warmed up to him quite well. That was good, she supposed.

Suddenly she noticed something from the corner of her eye. One man, probably in his fifties, was eyeing her especially curiously. Tama nodded at him briefly, and he quickly averted his gaze.

"How long have I been asleep?", Tama asked. Akira looked at Karin, who looked back at her, both looking reluctant. Tama held her breath. Surely she couldn't have fainted again, and for days for that matter. Had she been out for days?

"Six hours. Everyone has been waiting for you.", Akira replied.

"That's right.", Karin said as she rose to her feet and walked over to Mizubana. The woman was seated between two people, a man and a woman. Karin whispered in her ear before she began to pack the dishes.

Curious, Tama met Mizubana's gaze, and the woman surprisingly smiled brightly.

"Tamakiku-hime. You are a princess, right?", the man next to her suddenly said. Tama nodded, picking up Daifuku Mochi as she waited for him to continue. The man nodded thoughtfully.

"My name is Hotaru. I'm pleased to meet you.", the man said again. Tama nodded. The man cast Mizubana a look, she nodded.

"We would like to express our thanks to for reviving us and allowing us to right the wrongs of the past. There's a few concerns that we'd like to discuss with you.", Hotaru explained. Tama stopped chewing. What concerns could they possibly bring to her when Mizubana was there? Surely her being a princess couldn't have been the reason.

"I see.", Tama said.

"Right. Well, we've been made aware of your... We were told that you're the granddaughter of Uzumaki Mika. To our understanding, there are only two remaining people who are directly related to our clan's maim family. That being you and Tsunade-hime of the Senju clan.", Hotaru said.

"Say no more.", Tama said as she suddenly stood up. She cast Akira a look a reached out. The girl stood up and followed Tama with her mochi as she headed for the door. They stopped short of exiting, and Tama looked back thoughfuly.

"Allow me to show you to where you all can rest, we can pick this up tomorrow.", she said, before quickly walking out. The lot all cadt Mizubana a glance, to which she responded with a smile. Everyone then followed in Tama's wake.

The place was built like a maze, but Tama seemed to especially familiar with it, so they didn't get lost when following her. Apparently, they we in a temple, in one of the higher levels, where there were sleeping quarters for visitors and the likes. Once Tama showed them where they would rest, she didn't argue nor insist that anyone rest, but she immediately left them and exited the temple.

At this, most people were puzzled, but Mizubana assured them that Tama was just showing them kindness in her own way. As such, everyone chose a room and went to bed.


Shizune must have lost it after four weeks of travelling between nations. This must've been how people felt when they were looking for Tsunade for all those years. Now she understood, but she didn't feel anything specific, considering she was at the heart of it all.

Now that she was twenty seven years old, surely she was wiser and more intelligent than the little girl who once stuck to Tsunade's side like glue. Now she understood perfectly well that the reason she left was because of the village itself, and so Tama could be said to have left for the same reason. However, Tama seemed to be up to something, as opposed to her aunt, who simply wanted to get away.

"What do we do now? This person clearly doesn't want to be found.", Santa said. Aoba hummed in agreement. Shizune sighed.

"We can't go back without a tangible report.", she said. Santa hummed seriously. Shizune was right. While Tsunade had a baby face, she was a force to be reckoned with.

"Tama-san is a strategic thinker. If she wants us to find her then she'll come to us. We just have to keep looking and hope for the best.", Aoba said. Shizune and Santa cast him a look, both seeming to realise something. The man was already a Totsubeku Jōnin when the girl became a squad captain, so he aught to have worked with her quite often considering his skill set. Sure enough, of all three people present, he knew her best.

"Right. Then we should set up camp since it's already late. We can discuss a plan over a meal, we'll definitely need one if we're going to to continue searching. We'll need to replenish our suply of Hyōrōgan(ration pills), Suikatsugan(thirst quenching pills), and Kikatsugan(hunger suppression pills). I'll work on those first thing in the morning.", Shizune said decisively. The two men nodded, they were running out of food, and there wasn't a village nearby.

The next morning had a lot in store. They immediately found a safe place to camp, and quickly got everything done.

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