Cranmer said "Master Kingston? Please go and make sure to report my lady's true and last the world will know it. " 

Maester Kingston said "I will." 

In another chapel 

Chapuys walked up to Mary and Mary said "Is it done? Is the harlot dead?" and Chapuys siad "I don't know. But certainly, she will be dead before very long." 

Mary said "The Lord is good. Tell me, why is she really to die?" and Chapuys said "They say that her children, Elizabeth and Charlotte...was not conceived with the king at all... ...but with one of her countless lovers." 

Mary said "How many lovers was she supposed to have?" and Chapuys said "According to Mr. Cromwell, over 100 men.....including her brother, Rochford. But I am told she also blames me or what has befallen her... ...and holds me accountable for her doom. Naturally, I am flattered by the compliment... ...since she would have thrown me to the dogs if she could." 

Mary said "Tell me about this other lady, this Jane Seymour." 

Chapuys said "I have been told in confidence that she is of our faith... ...and that the king loves her and means to marry her.....and that she means to restore Your Grace to the succession." 

Mary said "And Elizabeth and Charlotte will become bastards now as I have been a bastard" and Chapuys said "Yes, princess. The brats are now officially bastards." 

In the Tower 

Anne was waiting there and looked at Master Kingston and said "Am I to go now? I thought--" My lady, forgive me." 

Master Kingston said "The executioner has been delayed on the road from Dover... ...and your execution is postponed until 12:00.I wanted to tell you in good time in case--" and Anne said "Master Kingston? I hear you say I will not die before noon. I am sorry for it, for I thought to be dead by that time and past my pain." 

Master Kingston said "Madam, there will be no pain. The blow will be so subtle." 

Anne said "Yes, I heard the executioner was very good. And in any case, I have only a little neck." 

Henry's Chamber, White Hall 

Cromwell walked in and Henry said "Well? Is it done? Is it?" and Cromwell said "No, Your Majesty. Unfortunately, we must postpone the execution again." 

Henry said "What?" and Cromwell said "The executioner is delayed." 

Henry said "Then you fetch somebody else, do you hear? Fetch back the axman who did the others. He was good enough, wasn't he? He didn't botch the thing." 

Cromwell said "Your Majesty made a promise" and Henry said "Why should I care about my promises to that whore?" and Cromwell said "Your Majesty's promise is public knowledge. That is all l--" and Henry grabbed him and held him to the wall pointing a knife at him and said "I still don't care! I ordered you to get someone else! I want her dead. I want it over with. Finished. Go and do it or, by God's blood, you will join her." 

Cromwell nodded and walked out and Henry said "I said... ...postpone it." 

Cromwell said "Maejsty." 

At the Tower 

Anne looked at Master Kingston and said'Master Kingston, I am ready." 

Master Kingston said "My lady, you must forgive me once again.....but the executioner is still not arrived." 

Anne said "What do you say?" and Master Kingston said "Madam, your execution is put off until 9:00 tomorrow morning." 

Anne said "No. No, it cannot be. It is not that I desire death, but l-- I thought myself prepared to die. I was prepared. I fear-- I fear that a further delay, it will weaken my resolve. Please, if it were possible--" and Master Kingston said "No, madam. lt is the king's express command." 

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