Chapter 16/Jungkook stabbed!?

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I did say I won't continue but meh😕.

At the university, Jungkook's head was paining alot.

"Kook are you okay? You seem sick."Jimin asked. "Y-yes, iam okay." Kook responded. "Kook don't lie to me. Is your head paining again? How many times have I told you don't think about your parents hm?" Jimin said. "Y-yes sorry chimmy. I am feeling so weak." Kook responded in a low voice. "Kook you go to Mr.Kim's cabin. Iam busy right now. can you go?" Jimin asked. Kook nodded.

In Mr.Kim's cabin.

Kook went and sat on the sofa nearby. Tae looked at him. "What happened bun? Are you okay?" Tae asked. Kook nodded. "You are not looking fine?" Tae said. "My head is paining.." Kook said. "Huh" Tae went and touched his forehead. "Gosh, you are having a fever! What did you eat yesterday?" He asked. "Nothing.."..

"You should go to the nurse, kook. I can't come right now. I have some works. You can go alone?" Tae asked. Kook nodded and went outside. At the nurse office.

"Oh, Dear. You are having a fever!" The nurse said. "You should get some rest." The nurse said. Kook nodded and laid in there.

Later on. Jimin came to visit him.

"Kook are you okay now?"

"No Chim.. It's paining even more.."

"I will call the nurse okay?"

"No-no need Jimin."

"I gotta go attend the lectures. Take care."


Kook was alone in the room, he can't be in a room alone. After awhile, The nurse came back.

"Are you feeling any better?" Nurse asked. "N-no"kook said. "Oh you eat these medicines" the nurse said. "Do you want me to call your guardian?" The nurse asked. Kook nodded as no. The nurse sighed and left.

After sometimes. Jungkook was feeling a little better so. He came out of the room but when he was about to go towards the classroom... someone.....


Him..The person throwed him on the ground from the FIFTH floor. Everyone went to where he was. Instead of calling professors or an ambulance, everyone were taking photos and videos. But everyone hide their phone when someone shouted from behind.

"WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!" The person shouted who was Taehyung. He went Infront of the students. He was about to get a heart attack when he saw Jungkook's bleeding head and stomach. It felt like the whole world had stopped. He ran towards him.

"kook! Kook! Bun!! SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!" Tae screamed his lungs out. One of the student quickly called an ambulance. Soon after the ambulance came.

Yoongi and Tae were there. Tae was crying his heart out. He just wanted to die right now. Yoongi was also crying but he had to stay strong. Not for himself but Tae. The doctor took Jungkook inside.

While Tae was crying badly his eyes were red from crying. Yoongi was hugging him. Mrs.Kim reached their.

"What happened to kookie!" She asked."I-I don't know..". Yoongi responded. Mrs.Kim eyes went to the shivering and crying figure. As she hugged him tightly. "Tae.. Don't cry! Please. He will be okay."

Soon the doctor arrived. "It's a good news and a bad news, everyone." Doctor said. "Well, If you had arrived only a second late, He would not have survived but the bad news is He will be in coma for 7 months" Doctor said. "7 MONTHS!!" Tae shouted. "Tae you should be happy he's not de-" Mrs.Kim. was about to say until Tae covered her mouth with his hand while nodding his head as no. Mrs.Kim understood.

"You can go inside" the doctor said. Everyone rushed inside the room. Tae kneeled down on the floor. He catched his hand. Mrs.Kim and Yoongi looked at eachother and smiled. Soon Jimin also came there. "Is kook oka-" Tae kissed Jungkook's hand. Everyone were shocked but happy.

After 2-3 hours Tae was still bawling his eyes out. went towards him and caressed his back. It was night already. "Tae we have to leave now." said in a soft voice. "N-no I-i will not leave him.." Tae said
"Pl-please I wanna stay with him.."

"No bear..I know you will crying the whole night here." Mrs.Kim said. "Yes, and we can't leave you here bear.." Yoongi said. Finally Tae agreed to leave. 

Even tho he agreed to go home. He couldn't sleep. I mean how can you sleep when your loved one is in coma? He didn't go to university. Well but rumours spread in the whole university.

"Do you know Mr.Kim and Jungkook are married, What did Jungkook even saw in him?"

"I also found out that Mr.Kim actually forced him to marry him!"

"No! That's not true, actually.. because of Mr.Kim Jungkook tried to do su!c!de"

People were gossiping until someone shouted "SHUT UP ALL OF YOU! DON'T YOU KNOW ANYTHING ELSE THEN MAKING RUMOURS ABOUT PEOPLE!!" Jimin shouted. "Then what's the truth huh?" Someone said. "It was an arranged marriage! But they eventually got closer! And yes Mr.Kim and Jungkook are husbands. But Jungkook didn't do su!c!de because of him. Mr.Kim didn't forced him to marry him! If you have studied than spreading rumours maybe you would be in the 2nd semester. I see why you failed 1st semester." Jimin said. The person was anger as hell. Guess who was he? He is the person who stabbed Jungkook.


-Who is he? Hint- From the first chapter.a
-What will happen next, Will ???? get caught?
-Did you like this chapter? I am not really great at making interesting chapters😭😭
-I got inspiration from K-dramas

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