"Forget the things that we've done. Don't think about what becomes."

Start from the beginning

"She can't be, I just fed her an hour ago!" She huffed, adjusting the bra straps against her shoulders.

Fixating his eyes on the being in his hands, he slid her into her mother's arms, "Yeah well, she spit up again."

"Again? That's like the 10th time in 24 hours." She pulled Ricky's pillow over, propping Emma up and lifting her tender boob from it's confinement; letting the baby's sharp gums take hold of her nipple aggressively.

Watching in awe, John took hold of her small hand, grinning when she gave it a squeeze as he used his other hand to pet her nose with his finger.


The coffee pot let off a series of small beeps, waking him as he stood at the sink, dozing off - mug nestled tightly in his grasp as he fought the urge to just fall over from exhaustion. Picking up the handle, Ricky shook his head a few times before pouring the hot liquid into the cup and taking a long, much needed sip. With his eyes half open, he could see his little family on the sofa bed before allowing his eyes to close as he took another sip, yawning for what felt like the 100th time that morning.

The front door opened roughly, the occupant pushing on the old wood with force before entering the small living room - stopping his steps abruptly to stare at the sight in front of him, his mouth grew dry.

Not yet registering who was in his home until he caught what the occupant was staring at, Ricky bolted into the living room, whacking his brother in the back of the head with his palm. "Amy!" He barked out to his wife who was passed out on the sofa bed, with their newborn attached to her exposed chest - John playing with some various toys beside her. He yelled her name again, but she didn't move. Clamping his right hand over his foster-brother's curious eyes, he yelled at her again, louder, "Amy!"

"What?" Amy grunted tiredly, not even bothering to open her eyes to look at him.

Removing his hand from the teen's face, "eye's shut, or you're dead," he went over to the bed, finding the nearest blanket and draping it over them, which in turn caused the dozing infant to awaken, detaching from Amy and fussing against the covering in protest.

Eyes still closed, she let out a very frustrated and annoyed breath, "What was that for, she was almost asleep!"

"Ethan is here," he hissed through clenched teeth

Ripping off the blanket and allowing Emma to reattach to her exposed breast, she mumbled under her breath that she didn't care and situated herself further into the mattress.

"I care!" He raised a brow, turning his attention to the shell-shocked teen, "what are you doing here anyway?"

"Margaret dropped me off. I needed a ride to school." Ethan said with a grin on his face, "the door was unlocked."

Ricky's attention turned back to Amy, "you didn't lock the door?" His voice came out louder than he had intended, startling the baby. Her silence as she ignored him only fueled his annoyance, but instead of acting on it and causing a scene in front of their uninvited guest, he closed his eyes and exhaled deeply from his nose, "just... go eat breakfast - cereal is on the counter. You too, John, go eat"


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