Chapter 19

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Recap :

Alizeh is safe and Sivaangi introduces Alizeh as Sitara's sister to Sitara.


Flashbacks are explained in Italics


Ashwin found a lean kid hidden behind a huge cardboard box, in a tattered clothes and disheveled hair. Ashwin gasped and he found her breathing , however her eyes were closed.

Ashwin inched forward to inspect the petite human in front of him, However the pin drop silence of the room was disturbed by the blasting ringtone of Ashwin's mobile.

Taking a deep breath, Ashwin fished his mobile phone out of his pocket,slide the green button and placed his mobile over his right ear and hummed in response.
Ashwin was asked to rush over the shooting spot, as the shooting is about to begin.

Ashwin half heartedly retreated his steps, turned his back towards the child and headed to the first floor.

The first floor was perfectly arranged for the shooting, from proper lightings to the actors, everything was in sheer perfection.

The scene was a confrontation between two bestfriends who had a extreme clash of opinions and ultimately leading to throwing spiteful and hurtful words to the other.

"Positions everyone" Ashwin bellowed in the speaker.

"Okay, ready ah?" Came Punith's anxious voice

After hearing an affirmative response, Punith roared, " Ready, Camera and .... ACTION".

The raw, uncut and beautiful cinematic experience began to unfold infront of Ashwin's chocolate bro orbs, The actors were newbies; however they seemed to manage everything and were at ease.

Perfectionist Punith have spotted minute mistakes, here and there; And was finally satisfied at the sixth take. Ashwin was still fascinated how Punith can observe and check everything at the same time, He was amazed by the fine craftsman Punith is.

It was almost late evening when everyone had packed up, however Ashwin still remained here and there, wandering across the mansion. Just only when the last three people of the crew left, Ashwin headed down the stairs and into the familiar basement area.

Ashwin released a breathe of relief, when he found the same petite girl in the cardboard, Ashwin neared the breathing human, bent down and began inspecting the cardboard box and the little child.
Ashwin found chocolate wrappers in the cardboard box and the little girl had dozed off, most probably.

Ashwin,then lifted the little girl. The little movements might have disturbed her and she began to stir, Ashwin gently placed the little girl over his shoulder and the little girl fisted a bunch of Ashwin's grey polo tee shirt and made herself comfortable.

Ashwin gently pat the little girl while his mind kept swirling with infinite thoughts. Ashwin had no idea what to do, Ashwin dialled the only one number he could think of. With each ring, Ashwin's heart paced and raced with anxiety and worry.

Finally at the third ring, the receiver picked the call.

"Sollunga Mama, enna video game vilayaada aalu illaya?" Vinayak joked

"Dei athu illa da..athu vanthu-" Ashwin shuttered

"Enna mama, enaku theriyum enna maara yaarum Fifa unga kooda compete panni vilayada mudiyathu nu, athu kekka yean thayangureenga?" Vinayak interrupted

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