chapter 18

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Ashwin reveals Alizeh to be an victim he rescued and the doctor informs that Alizeh is diagnosed with Epidural hematoma


Retrospections, Remorse and Regrets. That's what Ashwin's Life has been lately. Ashwin still wonders how different and vibrant his life would have been, if he was late to the movie set that day or if he had taken a sick leave or if he had just left early, If he had done any one of those, he had be in a happier place, Only if he had a chance, He would rectify it all.

Ashwin was sitting on one of lone steel colored hospital bench; his tired eyes closed, with dark circles adorning his lower eye lids, his chapped lips slightly moving as he is murmuring some prayers, his messy hairs falling over his creased forehead. For the nth time, Ashwin Kumar has felt himself as a loser. He is nothing but a failure. Someone who had nothing then had everything; only to have nothing. He has seen his dreams, families and wishes turning into dust, and who is to blame? His fate? His Luck? His Life? His decisions? His so called intelligence?

Ashwin felt soul less, as if someone has sucked his entire life and gifted him with darkness and despondence.

Unknowingly, Ashwin's fingers caressed the red thread tied on his right wrist, and recalled what Alizeh's doctor said.

"Alizeh has been diagnosed with traumatic epidural hematoma. In order to save her, we need to perform a surgery as soon as possible." The neurologist, Joel explained showing the reports of the patient's CT scan.

Hearing which, Ashwin's knuckles turned white.
Engulfing his palms in hers, Sivaangi seated beside, reassured her dear husband. She motioned the doctor to explain Alizeh's condition in detail.

"An epidural hematoma is a collection of blood between your skull and the dura mater, the thick membrane that covers your brain. An epidural hematoma can be a life-threatening condition."
Dr. Joel began explaining the couple showing the CT scan.

"So, if we do the surgery, what's the success rate; since you mentioned it to be a life threatening condition?" Sivaangi asked, hearing which Ashwin paled.

Will he be able to see Alizeh after this? Will he be able to hear her voice? Will he be able to hear her calling him baba? Will he able to see her smile? Will he able to hold her tiny fingers? Will he be able to ruffle her hair and give her a forehead kiss? Will he be able to give her, her real family? Will he be able to make her feel loved?

"Yes Ma'am, but it has a high success rate, success rate of over 85%. The major causes of
Epidural hematoma can be infection/abscess,
Absence of ability of the blood to clot, etc. In case of Alizeh, I highly suspect it is due to an infection."

"But you initially said she is unresponsive to all her medications..." Sivaangi said

"We initially thought she might be unresponsive but Alizeh was experiencing frequent seizures, which is why I had to run a CT scan and the result was epidural hematoma." Dr. Joel said

"And we trust you with the operation, Doctor. Kindly do your best." Sivaangi pleaded.

"Of course, ma'am. It's my duty. "Dr Joel reassured.

"Please take care, Joel." Ashwin whispered, with tears clouding his vision.

It's been almost two hours since the commencement of surgery, and Ashwin refused to move an inch.

Ashwin , eight months ago, experienced his dream life. His career was at its peak. After a long tired day, Ashwin had a home to return to. His lovely wife, was always ready to greet him be it early morning or late nights, His kannamma would engulf her valarntha kolantha into her wide arms and pepper him with kisses. He then had his kanmani to play with, to cradle in his arms, to tell stories about his works and films, to spoil and pamper. He had his very own people with whom he can occasionally meet up, have fun, tease , fight, play video games and laugh.

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