Chapter 3.5 : Mind of a Maiden

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Arisu Sakayanagi's POV


I thought everything would go into my plan, i just didnt think that fantasy would shift into reality. I Arisu Sakayanagi, is now partnering up with the so called Masterpiece. I didnt think that this would happen this early, but due to circumstances that would only happen in fiction, the situation revealed itself. But i dont dislike this situation.. It's exiciting to accompany him, knowing that chaos itself follows him every step he takes, i myself like this type of chaos.. Its fun and entertaining. I know that he would rather have a peaceful life, but he cannot deny that a peaceful life is now a fleeting fiction, even in a world of fantasy.. It would seem like a peaceful life is just a dream beyond his grasp.

At first, i wanted to challenge him, i wanted to try and defeat him. That plan shifted when we were transported in another world, for some reason fate made me fall on top of him.. What a embrassing situation.. But it did help me have a reason to talk to him.

Back on ANHS i was gonna use Kiyotaka's past to make him accept my challenges.. But now since we werent on Earth anymore.. Him being from the Whiteroom would just a shocking fact than a major subject. Best thing to do now would be to partner up with him before anyone else does, in that way i could be with him.. Ever since that day.. Back on the white wall.. Ever since i saw that dull boy.. My mind were always thinking of him everyday.. I dont know if that was obsession or something else.. But all i know is that i need him.. Otherwise this life would just be boring.

Even in a world of swords and magic, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is the most intresting person to stand. Back on earth his physical strength and skill would be on the pinnacle of human capability.. But now there were alot of more people in this world that are stronger than him currently.. But without a doubt.. He'll be the one to rise to the top from the shadows. But in the process he'll lose his remaining miniscule amout of humanity he has left.. I've concluded.. That i myself shall make him keep those things in that path he shall take.. Ill shall walk side by side.. I wont only keep his humanity.. I would repair it.. Everytime i look at his emontionless face i get reminded of what the Whiteroom did to him.. The results were near perfect.. They did get a Artificial Genius as they planned.. But Kiyotaka had his emotions dwindle near to zero in the process. I've decided that I'll be the one who shall make him regain such emotions, i will be teaching him Human warmth.. In turn the experience will lead me to be the side of the Dull boy who took my interest.. And heart.. Forever.

I'm sure he'll accept my proposal.. He is the type of boy who is curious about anything that is new to them.. I myself dont know how to love someone other than my family.. So this lesson on Human warmth wont be a one sided thing. I'll teach him.. And he'll teach me.. A symbiosis of some sort.

During the physical test Kiyotaka demonstrated his prowess.. Fufu~ the Training dummy didnt stand a chance, the onlookers were shocked that a student did a feat like that.. Of course Kiyotaka thought that he overdid it.. But to me it was satisfy to see the flabbergasted faces for the audience. After that.. A baldie tried to challenge him.. Of course, Kiyotaka easliy and swiftly ended the fight.

Now.. Let these thoughts end as i am spending ny time currently with my dear Kiyotaka.. Fufufu~ i cant wait for what Fate holds, or Destiny's gift.. But all i know.. Is that the future would brighten.

Well then.. i felt like writing this short side chapter.. I will start writing the next chapter on sunday.. I'll give yall readers a lil present.. Made by yours truly

 Made by yours truly

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