2.first day in Korea 🫀

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(2days later)
Y/n - Riya pack your clothes
Riya - but why di!?
Y/n - we sold you
Riya - whatt!!🤧🥺
Y/n - just kidding 😂 we are going korea
Riya - south or north 🙂
Y/n - south and nobody wanna go to north 👽
Riya - (shout) OMG! we are going south korea really di
Y/n - yes Riya pack your items fast
Riya - ok
(1 hours later)
Y/n and Riya go to airport
(After some time y/n and Riya both reach korea)
Riya and y/n - Wooww!!
Y/n - this is amazing
Riya - yeah di, that's so beautiful
Y/n and Riya go to the hotel and take a room and sleep bcz they are tired
(Next morning)
(Alarm ring)
Y/n - uhhh! Riya wake up (sleepy voice)
Riya - hmm! Di I'm awake good morning di
Y/n - good morning
Y/n - go and take a shower we have to go for shopping
Riya - ok
(20 minutes later)
Y/n and Riya get ready and go to mall
Y/n - Riya take anything in our budget
Riya - ok
On the other hand
Jimin and taehyung was also there
Jimin - hyung I'm bored....
Taehyung - yeah, I'm also jimin
Taehyung - first buy some clothes and then eat something I'm hungry
Jimin - okk!
Other side
Riya - di I'm done
Y/n - ok
Y/n and Riya pay for there clothes and came out from the mall
Riya - di I want to go somewhere
Y/n - hm.. ( y/n is busy in her phone)
Riya - stop busy in your phone!
(Then y/n bumped in someone)
?? - oh sorry sorry
Y/n - it's ok

Author - tell me guys who's this?

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