Chapter Eight: Eating Out

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Tori spent all afternoon on the phone making their dinner plans. If she was going to take Jade out. She was going to do it right. She still hadn't been sure about if she liked Jade. But just that morning, as Jade held her in bed. The tender moments made Tori's heart flutter. She smiled just thinking about them.

And of course there was the sexual tension between them. Tori loves the way Jade just melted under her thumb. She'd enjoy playing with her. But when Jade climbed on her earlier. Tori subconsciously rubbed her legs together just thinking about it. They sure had a lot to talk about.

Tori set to work getting herself ready. After a very long shower "cleaning up" she went to her closet. Picking out a tight red dress and she grabbed a plain pair of underpants slipping them on. 'Let's see what happens if I make Jade wait.' Tori thought to herself. She slipped on the remainder of the clothes before working on her hair and makeup. By the time she was finished, she looked like a sex devil walking. She looked at herself in the mirror. "Watch our Jade. You wanted me. You've got me. Now try to handle me."

Her phone buzzed on her dresser. She picked it up seeing that it was from 'Jade West'.

J-Your Carriage Awaits

Tori looked at the clock. 6:50. She'd make Jade wait. She sat down on her bed crossing her legs.

T-Be Right Down.

She opened up a game and started playing. Before long ten minutes had passed. She headed downstairs grabbing her keys and walked out of the house locking it behind her. She began to make her way down the driveway to a very exasperated Jade.

"You know I've been wai-" Jade cut off at the sight of Tori sauntering to her. Tori smirked swaying her hips drastically side to side. Even Jessica Rabbitt would have been jealous. She stepped up to Jade taking her in. She was wearing a flowing black dress that trailed to her ankles. Tori smiled taking in her raven date.

"You look beautiful." Tori said placing a hand on Jade's hip as she glided up against her.

Jade let out a soft whine trying to cover it with a cough. "You-" She squeaked out. "You do too." She said breathing heavily. She held out a single red rose. "I know you said plural but..."

Tori smiled taking the rose and smelling it. "It's lovely. Thank you Jade." She leaned in placing a soft lingering kiss on Jade's cheek. "Now. Shall we to dinner?"

Jade nodded walking around to the passenger side and opening the door for Tori. She climbed in gracefully. Jade shut the door climbing in and started the car up. "Where too?"

"La Range will do fine." Tori said nonchalantly.

Jade coughed. "Tori it's impossible to get in without a reservation. Not to mention the price."

Tori turned to her sharply. "Did I ask for an opinion or tell you where?"

Jade swallowed and plugged in the directions. "Sorry."

The remainder of the drive happened in silence. Tori felt guilty for it. She was pushing too hard too soon. Plus it had just felt mean. It was fun when she was teasing but just forcing submission. It felt cruel. And she could tell she had hurt Jade.

It didn't take long to reach the restaurant. The valet opened the doors for the two of them and Jade reluctantly handed over her keys. She walked over to Tori grumbling about the valet and her car. Tori took her hand squeezing it softly. "Jade..." Jade looked up at her worry in her eyes. "I'm sorry for before. I'm still a bit overzealous on the whole in charge thing." She looked away blushing.

Jade cupped her face turning it back towards her. "No harm no foul. But thank you for the apology." Jade leaned in pecking Tori on the lips. She pulled back smiling. "As for the rest. That's why we're here. To figure this all out."

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