Chapter Seven: The Morning After

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Jade woke to the feeling of Tori's butt pressed up against her hips. Her face was buried in the crook of Tori's neck. She took a deep breath smiling at the smell. She brushed the latinas hair aside planting soft kisses at the small of Tori's neck. Tori's breath hitched as she slid her hand up to Tori's hip sliding it down her leg. Jade marveled at how smooth Tori was. As Jade reached her knee she felt Tori's hand grip hers. Their fingers entwined as Tori brought Jade's hand to her mouth for her to kiss.

Jade smiled through the soft act of affection. "Good morning." Tori said rolling over to face Jade. A dopey smile painted on her face.

"If this is the sight I get to wake up to. It will be." Jade said brushing the hair from Tori's face.

Tori turned a deep red. She buried her face in the pillow. "Last night wasn't supposed to be like that. It was supposed to be romantic. And seductive. And instead I sneezed on you." Tori whined.

Jade laughed. She pressed her hand to Tori's forehead. Cool as normal. "It's fine. Plus I think there's stuff we need to talk about."

Tori slipped her hand under the covers pressing it to Jade's stomach. "We could talk. Or..." her hand crept lower. Jade's breath hitched.

"Tori..." Jade hissed. Her hips buckled forward. Her eyes fluttered closed.

The door to Jade's room opened her mom leaning through the crack. "Jade. Do you want chocolate chips or blueberries in you-" her mom cutoff at the sight before her.

Tori quickly removed her hand pulling up the covers to cover her chest. She pulled herself under them hiding. Jade's mom chuckled. "Oh. Well. That explains the trenchocoat on my floor. Didn't mean to interrupt. I'll leave you to at it. I'll just do blueberry chocolate chip pancakes. Breakfast will be ready in thirty minutes." She began to close the door mouthing at Jade. 'Is she Tori.'

Jade groaned. "Go!"

The door shut with a click. Tori rolled over hurrying her face in the pillow. "I can't believe your mom saw my tits. She totally thinks we were doing it."

"I mean your hand was pretty preoccupied before she cane in." Jade said rolling Tori to face her.

"Plus you've been telling her about me. I bet she thinks I'm a slut."

"You're not a slut. I'm sure she'll love you when she sees you in clothes. And not about to take a ride on her daughter." Tori punched Jade in her arm. Jade pushed her down climbing on top of her. Her hair hung around them. Jade leaned down ghosting her lips over Tori's. "I'm going to shower. You're welcome to join. It's more soundproof." Jade rolled over off of her onto the floor standing up. She bent down cracking her back.

Tori rolled over watching the sight. She reached out taking Jade's hand causing the goth to look over at her. "As much as I'd like to. Maybe we should slow down. Clearly the universe wants us to. How about just a shower." Jade pouted looking down at Tori.

"Alright. But then we eat and after breakfast we talk. No games."

"Actually can you give me a ride home? And then maybe we can go get dinner later." Tori asked nervously.

"My goodness Vega. You can ask me out better than that. Put some effort in."

Tori smirked. She stood up quickly pulling Jade flush against her. Their bodies pressed together as an arm wrapped around Jade's waist. The other gripped Jade's chin softly. Their eyes locked in a silent battle. "Will you go out with me tonight Jade. I want to treat you like a lady."

Jade gasped her legs getting weak. She could only nod at a loss for words. Tori smirled planting a kiss on Jade's cheek. She turned stepping away and heading for the bathroom leaving a very stunned Jade behind. Within a moment the water had been turned on. Jade turned looking at the bathroom. Tori was going to be the death of her.

It had been a pleasant morning. After their shower, Jade had lent Tori a pair of sweat pants and a jacket. She put Tori's now dry clothes into a bag for her so that they wouldn't have to explain that to Jade's mom. Thankfully she had left out plenty of pancakes for the girls while managing to stay out of sight. She had also dried off Tori's trench coat, laying it over the couch for her.

The drive back to Tori's had been fairly uncomfortable for both girls. They held hands for the duration of the ride but Tori's mind couldn't stop racing. A million thoughts ran through it. But it all came back to how did she feel? She loved waking up next to Jade. It felt almost perfect. The tender kisses. The sweet affectionate moments. It gave her butterflies inside. But she still wasn't sure if she could see herself with a girl in the long run. But he'll be damned. She was sure that if she did it would be Jade.

Jade ran her thumb over the back of Tori's hand earning a smile from her. 'Maybe I'm just nervous.' She thought to herself looking at their hands. She knew nobody would judge her for it. But would she judge herself? She sighed softly as they pulled into her driveway.

Jade let go of her hand putting the car into park. She turned looking at Tori. Tori looked eyes staring into those emerald eyes becoming lost in them. "So what time should I pick you up?" Jade asked breaking the silence.

"How about 7?" Tori asked undoing her seatbelt.

"Perfect." Jade leaned in kissing Tori softly. Tori smiled pulling back before they became carried away. She opened the door stepping out.

"And Jade. Wear a nice dress." Tori said shutting the door and walking around to the driver's side.

Jade rolled down her window. "Fancy plans?"

"Only the best for you." Tori said leaning in and kissing Jade again. This time making sure to take control of it. She pulled back leaving Jade stunned. "Oh. And bring me flowers. You owe me for all the times you've stared at my ass." She walked off leaving Jade stunned.

"You know you encouraged it!" Jade shouted after her as Tori walked up and knocked on her door. Her mom opened it and she walked in and up to her room flopping down onto her bed a dopey grin plastered to her face.

When Jade got home she closed the front door collapsing against it for support. She hadn't stopped smiling her entire drive home. She was finally going to get to go on a date with Tori. Behind her someone cleared her throat. She turned around surprised to see her mom watching her from the couch.

"Somebody must've had a very good morning." Her mom said a teasing smirk from ear to ear.

"We didn't have sex!" Jade shouted at her. 'Yet.' She added mentally as she walked over to the couch sitting down.

Jade's mother was if nothing else an exact copy of Jade only older. They could almost pass for sisters in the right outfit. Jade hated it when they'd go out together but at least she knew she'd still look good for years.

"So. I'm guessing that was Tori?"

Jade blushed. "Yeah. But it's complicated. I think she's not sure she's into girls."

"She seemed pretty sure naked in your bed."

"It wasn't like that. She was caught in the rain and freezing. So I warned her up the best way I could!"

Her mom crossed her arms. "I'm sure you kept her real warm. Probably didn't keep her dry though."

"Mooooooommmmmmmmm" Jade whined.

Her mom leaned forward taking Jade's hands. "You know I only kid. Just. Be careful. You know. Don't rush her and be safe with everything."

"I know mom."

"Good." She sat back turning her attention to the tv. "I can see why you like her. She's very pretty and totally your type."

"Moooommmm." Jade whined her face heating up bright red in embarrassment.

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