Chapter 8

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"Ready for our date?" Lando asks through the phone as I rub my face having been woken up his call.

"Lando, it's 6 in the morning and I have to be up for work in 2 hours. What the fuck are you talking about?" I ask still half asleep.

"I've just gotten off the plane and am getting in a car now. What time shall I pick you up?"  As he asks the question my eyes shoot open.

"You can't be serious, you're not coming to pick me up right now for a date." I stated halfway in a panic.

"I'm only joking. I was thinking we could do that this weekend? With the time change, I want to be at my best so I was probably going to have a chill day." I hear through the phone instantly making me relax.

"You ass, I thought you were being serious. I was like, does this guy know I have a job?." I say as I sit up in bed. Now that I've been shocked into consciousness there's not chance I'm getting back to sleep.

"Well I was being halfway serious. My flight has landed and Max is giving me a lift, want to hang out today? Have a lazy day in? I know on Mondays you work from home." He asked and I couldn't help the smile that had taken over my face. Lando and I had been talking everyday on the phone and it was getting hard for me to tell where things were going. I just couldn't make sense of an actually thing between Lando and I.

"Yeah, that sounds great. Bring me breakfast?" I ask with a smile even though he couldn't see it.

"Jeez not even gone on out date yet and you're already ordering me around." I let out a giggle as I hear his response.

"Oh stop it. You know I'll pay you back."

"You don't have to pay back for a thing, darling." There goes my blush again. Somewhere in the 2 or so months lando and I have been talking, the harmless flirting turned into a connection. Lando never failed to let me know I was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. It would always cause a blush. I couldn't deny at this point that I liked him but there was a subconscious voice in my head saying it was too good to be true.

Eventually, I had hopped on a meeting with my boss. He needed me get with one of our partners to see their position of advertisement. We were working with a luxury jewelry brand and they had an event coming up. We were working with the brand to possibly gain some new investors as there would be some wealthy people in attendance.

I got to work on putting together a chart laying out the milestones. I had to present it at the end of this week. This was my first time really taking charge of a project. I was honored that my boss has put trust in me. Our working styles go really well together. He gives me plenty of space to create my own work and then he give a final review before approving. Working with the team was nice too. I had been coming in mainly Tuesdays, Wednesday's, and Thursdays. I was required to come in at least 3 times a week and the other 2 days I worked from home. I usually scheduled my work week around my meetings. For example, I will be going in Friday to the office because of the presentation.

I soon heard a knock on the door only to open it and see Lando.

"Hi!" He says pulling me into a hug. It definitely caught me off guard. If felt so strange, not in a bad way. We have talked nearly every day on the phone for the past month and it flowed so naturally. Suddenly he was here in front of me and I was nervous.

"Hello how are you? You must be tired with the flight." I say, ushering him into the apartment. He lets me go first so I can guide the way.

"Yeah. I'm a bit jet lagged but I've taken a short nap after my flight and am feeling much more refreshed." We stood there for a moment just sort of grinning at each other. "I've gotten you eggs with roasted potatoes, and grilled mushrooms with cherry tomatoes, sliced avocado on the side."

"Oh wow, you didn't have to do all of that."

"Oh and a danish pastry." He says softly letting out a chuckle. I looked to his lips in that moment. The way his smile, while soft, made his eyes light up.

"Your eyes are stunning." I told him, immediately feeling embarrassed that I had said that out loud. I looked down only for him to step slightly closer, catching the upper part of my forearm.

"Thank you." He cresses his thumb in a comforting way before letting his hand fall down my arm slowly only to pause at my hand and give it a light squeeze. Lando hesitates for a moment but soon pulls me in to give my forehead a small kiss. With that he lets go, leaving me smiling like a school girl. I take my plate and wander back to the desk to get some work done. Lando eats his food at the kitchen island. I try to keep my focus on work but it gets a bit hard when I have a handsome guy staring me down.

I take a couple calls and request lando to be silent during them. He has just been chilling on my sofa making small talk when I'm not busy. We go for a short run during my lunch break and grab a salad for lunch. He had been great company and I could honestly say I missed seeing him. As my day creeped on I looked down at the clock. It was nearly 4pm and time for me to shut down for the day. I didn't know what time Nadine would be home.

"I'm about to be offline soon. What are your plans for the rest of the day?" I asked, writing an email reply to a partner.

"No idea, I figured I would hang out here. If that's okay of course." Lando says, turning his head to look at me. I peak at him over the top of my laptop forcing myself not to smile at how cute he looks. Curly hair going in all directions.

"Yeah I'll have to get ahold of Nadine." I shrug. Ever since Nadine and I had patched things up, she's been more lenient on the Lando topic. She didn't bring it up often but would ask if I was okay. I sent her a quick message asking if it was okay if Lando was here when she was. If not I would shoo him off. I knew she would have no problem telling me the truth.

"Now that you've went home to shower and change after the run, I am gonna grab a quick shower. Are you okay out here by yourself?" I ask, standing up from the desk.

"I don't think I will be okay. Maybe I'll come with." Lando throws a smirk, causing my cheeks to instantly heat up.

"I am a young woman." I gasp holding my hand up to my chest in false alarm. Lando stands up and makes his way towards me. As he approaches, I have no where to go as I'm backed up into the desk.

"That you are." I lift my chin up to him as his fingers outline my hips. We stare intently into the eyes of the other. Deciding to play with him a little bit I pull my bottom lip in between my teeth. He looks down and when I see him lean in, I pull a dark smile across my lips and push him away lightly.

"Go take a seat and wait for me." I say walking away with a confident sway.


Another chapter for you all! I've been sick all week and it's been terrible. At least we have a gp this weekend.. I'm a bit disappointed with McLarens race pace but there's always another week.. I'm hoping we see some steps towards Red Bull from both Ferrari and McLaren.. Anyways, I hope you liked this one! I'll be posting again probably by the middle of this week. Just have to do some editing.

All the Best,
  Gaby. x

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