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"Love, C'mon." Lando sighed as he chased after his soon to be ex girlfriend. He cheated... again. This time he was dumb enough to get caught, and it was plastered all over social media.

"No, Lando. I'm done. This is embarrassing, you're embarrassing." The stunning French blonde said and she reached the front door to his pent house apartment in Monaco. They may be in a paradise destination, but there were no smiles around here.

"I'm sorry. It was a dumb mistake. Please, let's just think about this." Lando followed after her. He knew he messed up but girls were a dime a dozen to him. He wouldn't be that heart broken if he never spoke to her again. They had only been together for 6 months.

"There is nothing to think about, Lando. There was a dumb mistake one, then two.. what are we on now? Mistake 5? Screw you. Fuck your own reputation, not mine." And with that she had slammed the door right in his face leaving the Britt stood there in disbelief.

How dare she talk to him like that. She was basically no one when they met. Now she suddenly gained a following of over 100k people and thinks she didn't need him? He'll show her. She was no one to him.

As he rolled his eyes and turned around to sit on his couch, he went through his phone and deleted any trace of the pair. The fans would know they were no longer together by sundown.

As Lando finally got bored of scrolling through Instagram, he tossed his phone to the side. Not knowing what to do, he looked around the room in frustration. There was absolutely nothing for him to do at 3pm on a Thursday. He was already packed for his trip tomorrow. He was headed to London so that he could get in the factory to start gearing up for the start of the season.

Little did he know that one night out and a 5'3" Latina would turn his world upside down.


Ummm my first f1 fanfic?? Please bear with me as I try to write this story as I am writing it as I go. I hope you enjoy this journey with me. I'm a massive F1 fan.. like I was the 13 year old watching Seb win his world championships at 3am fan.. Long live Charles and Forza Ferrari ❤️. Apart from Seb who I will always consider my fav, Charles has my heart, but I have a small crush on little Lando.. who are your favorite drivers?? obvi this fic is going to be about Lando.. we'll see where it goes.. idk but I hope you enjoy and thanks for taking an interest in my story!!

All the Best,
Gaby x

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