the man, be it phil or barry, grabbed something(s), they were 4, off the carousel. you sighed in relief, glad that they hadn't gotten lost. because while you could replace those things, it didn't mean that you wanted to.

you offered to carry one, because they were your bags, but they'd shook their heads gruffly, ending that conversation (it wasn't much of a conversation, anways). besides, you were too excited about seeing tommy to care that much.

you walked (jogged?) out of the baggage department and into the main area. you saw people holding up signs, many decorated with ribbons, sequins, and various bright colors.

you looked around with a huge smile on your face, trying to find tom. finally, you saw him by the side, holding up a giant poster that read the following; "my gorgeous, beautiful, amazing girl... you know who you are!"

letting out a yelp of happiness, you ran over to him, where he awaited you. tom stood with open arms and a matching expression, and you dived into his arms. squeezing him tightly, you totally didn't shed some tears into his shirt.

"jesus, darling, you have no idea how much i missed you," he gripped you a little tighter, not letting go.

"not more than i missed you!"

"um, i'm pretty sure i missed you more, pretty girl."

you pulled away just enough to look at him. and god, you had really missed those honey-brown eyes. you look a moment to look at him- no, to see him.

your eyes ran over his left eyebrow (the crazy one), to the curve of his lashes, to the freckles that faintly dotted his cheeks, before the crooked bridge of his nose (from having broken it so many times), and then back into those soft eyes of his.

running a hand through his curls, you rested your forehead against his. you dropped you hand to cup his cheek, and he wiped away a stray tear.

granted, it had only been a bit over 5 months, but you'd learned you couldn't live without him.

"how was the trip back, lovey?"

"it was okay. fine. didn't get any sleep though," you said, crinkling your nose. airplanes made you panic a bit, you wouldn't lie. and you could never make yourself eat anything with the motion-sickness, and tommy knew that.

"well, when we get home, i'm gonna give you all the cuddles and we can sleep together."

"i'm not sure if i have the energy for that."

tom groaned, but you knew it was endearingly, "no, baby, that is not what i meant."

"i'll never know."

he gave you another look.

"i wish you were there with me," you murmured.

"i wish i'd been there too, but love, i promise you, i watched them all live. stupid contracts," he muttered, "keeping me from my girl."

you laughed lightly, nudging your nose with his, "s'not your fault. you can't control when you've got to be on set filming. but i really love you for watching them."

tom looked at you quizzically, as you played with the collar of his shirt. "are you kidding? i couldn't completely miss my best girl's performance."

"'best girl'? i have competition?"

"a little. but i wouldn't worry too much," was all he said before he captured your lips into a sweet kiss, one that had been put off too long. you pulled at his hair at the base of his neck, trying to get more of him.

because after this long, no amount was enough.

before it got to heated, he pulled away, cupping your cheek, which you leaned into.

"i love you."

"i love you more."

"i love you most," tom countered, and you shook you head, too happy to disagree. because how on earth did you end up with a man like this?

you used to believe in the saying "no one's perfect", but clearly, whoever said that hasn't met tom.

you pulled away from him, not before pecking him one more time.

"let get going before traffic hits, shall we?" he bowed down slightly, offering his hand to you, which you took.

"yes, we shall."

"oh," he said, "by the way, i got these for you." he handed you a bouquet of pink carnations, your favorite. you squealed, jumping on his back.

"you got me flowers?"

"pretty flowers for my pretty girl."

"awww, you're such a romantic, i love it."

"it?" he asked, adjusting you on his back, "or me?"

"ugh," you pouted, squeezing his cheek, "you're so perfect."

peter parker/tom holland imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now