In a moment of fleeting clarity, Adam set the bottle of liquor aside and turned to Lute, whose eyes reflected a mixture of concern and understanding. He reached out to her, inviting her to leave that tension-filled place with him.

"Lute," Adam said softly, seeking her gaze with determination. "I think we need a break from all of this. Would you like to take a walk with me?"

Adam's gesture took Lute by surprise, but at the same time, a spark of hope gleamed in her eyes. She took his hand gratefully, feeling the comforting touch of his hand filling her with calmness and security.

"I would love to," she responded with a smile, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders at the prospect of escaping the oppressive atmosphere of the meeting. "Thank you, Adam."

With a gesture of complicity, they headed towards the exit, leaving behind the tensions and worries of the moment. As they walked together through the halls of Heaven, they felt the fresh breeze from outside enveloping them in a comforting embrace, as if the universe itself were whispering words of encouragement and support to them.

Under the gentle glow of the moon, they walked together along the paths of Heaven, wrapped in the tranquility of the night. As time passed, the tensions of the meeting faded away, making room for the intimacy shared between them.

After a while of walking in silence, Adam broke the silence with a pensive sigh. "Lute, there's something I've been thinking about lately," he began, his voice full of seriousness.

Lute looked at Adam curiously, waiting to hear what he had in mind. "What have you been thinking about?" she asked softly.

Adam stopped and looked Lute directly in the eyes, searching for the right words to express his thoughts. "I've been reflecting on us and our future together," he admitted, his tone full of sincerity. "And I've come to the conclusion that being with you is the best thing that's happened to me in a long time."

Lute's heart filled with joy at hearing Adam's words, feeling a wave of emotion flooding her being. "Adam, I feel the same way," she responded affectionately. "Being with you has been the most wonderful thing that's happened to me."

The two of them remained silent for a moment, enjoying the love and complicity they shared. Under the moonlight, they seemed to be in their own world, far removed from the worries and problems of the outside world.

Finally, Adam broke the silence with a nervous smile. "I've been thinking that maybe... it would be a good idea to consider something more serious between us," he said, his words filled with uncertainty.

Lute looked at him in surprise, her heart pounding with excitement at Adam's suggestion. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" she asked, barely able to contain the excitement in her voice.

Adam nodded slowly, his eyes shining with determination. "I'm thinking that maybe... we could consider the possibility of getting married," he admitted, his voice trembling with emotion.

Lute could barely contain the excitement she felt at the proposal. Tears of happiness filled her eyes as she looked at him with love and gratitude. "That would be wonderful," she responded with a radiant smile. "It would be an honor to spend the rest of my life with you."

The two embraced tightly, letting love and happiness completely envelop them. Under the moonlight, they began to talk about their future together, excited about what destiny had in store for them. Although marriage was not yet a reality, they knew they were closer than ever to reaching that dream together.

However, the weight of the upcoming extermination weighed on their minds, momentarily overshadowing the sweetness of the moment.

"Adam," Lute began with a soft voice, her gaze reflecting the seriousness of the topic that concerned them. "I'm starting to realize how serious this upcoming extermination will be. The idea of losing so many loved ones... it's simply terrifying."

Adam nodded. "I know," he responded.

Lute gently squeezed Adam's hand, seeking comfort in his presence. "Do you think we'll be able to get through it?" she asked, a touch of uncertainty in her voice.

Adam looked at her. "We'll do it together," he assured, squeezing Lute's hand firmly. "We have each other, and that's what matters. As long as we're together, we can face any challenge that comes our way."

Despite the seriousness of the topic that concerned them, a glimmer of hope shone in Adam and Lute's eyes as they clung to each other in the darkness of the night. They knew the road ahead would be difficult, but they also knew they had the love and mutual support to help them overcome any obstacle they encountered along the way.

At dawn on the day of the extermination, Adam and Lute woke up with a knot in their stomachs, aware of the challenge that awaited them. They hugged each other tightly, finding comfort and strength in each other's warmth, before standing up to face what was to come.

"Good luck," Adam murmured, his voice laden with emotion as they parted to prepare.

Lute nodded, returning the wish of luck with a brave smile. "See you on the battlefield," she said, her voice resonating with a mixture of hope.

Once ready, they headed towards the portal that would take them to Hell, mentally prepared for the challenge that awaited them. However, upon crossing the threshold, they were met with a scene that took their breath away.

Before them stretched an army of demons, armed to the teeth with celestial weapons that shone with a dazzling light.

"I didn't expect this," Adam murmured, his voice barely a whisper as he watched the scene before them.

Lute squeezed Adam's hand tightly, her expression serious but determined. "No matter what this day holds for us," she said with determination. "We are together in this, and we will fight until the end."

With a gesture of determination, Adam nodded, his gaze fixed on the dangerous horizon that lay ahead. "So be it," he responded solemnly. "Together, until the end."

"The sin of love" (Lute x Adam)Where stories live. Discover now