Just then, Emily, the little one accompanying Sera, timidly raised her hand as if she had something important to say.

Sera gave her a warm look, inviting her to speak. "What is it, Emily?" she asked gently.

Emily cleared her throat before speaking, her eyes shining with determination despite her small size. "I've been investigating the Hazbin Hotel, and it seems there are some troubling rumors circulating among the demons," she said with a soft but firm voice. "They say the hotel is gaining popularity quickly among sinners, and Charlie is gathering followers with her promises of redemption."

Adam furrowed his brow, worried by what he was hearing. He was about to suggest something when an angel hurriedly entered the room, interrupting his train of thought.

"Adam, you have an urgent meeting with Lucifer," announced the angel with a serious expression.

He frowned with disgust. He hated having to deal with Lucifer, but he knew he couldn't ignore such an important summons. Although he would attend the meeting through a hologram to avoid direct contact with the King of Hell, he still disliked the idea of having to speak with him.

"I understand," he responded resignedly. "Prepare the hologram and let me know when it's ready."

The angel nodded and left the room to make the necessary arrangements.

Adam sighed heavily, mentally preparing himself for the impending meeting. He knew facing Lucifer wouldn't be easy, but he also knew it was necessary to maintain peace between heaven and hell, so he headed to the meeting room, ready to face whatever came next.

Lute accompanied him. Upon arrival, they were met with an unexpected scene: instead of Lucifer, his daughter Charlie, a young demon with a radiant smile and a look full of excitement.

Adam barely glanced up as Charlie entered the meeting room. His gesture was indifferent, as if he barely acknowledged the presence of Lucifer's daughter. "Hello, Charlie," he murmured, his tone lacking enthusiasm. He reached out for a tray of steaming ribs on the table. "How about sharing some ribs? I found them in the kitchen; they're my favorite dish."

Charlie, with a courteous smile, approached the table, but her expression changed when she realized she couldn't touch the food. "Oh, thank you, but I don't think I'm hungry," she responded politely, though clearly disappointed, as she watched the angelic couple mock her.

As Charlie took her seat, Adam settled into his chair, watching the princess with a mixture of impatience and disdain as she began to speak.

He frowned when Charlie mentioned her idea of rehabilitating sinners in hell. "Redemption in hell?" he asked incredulously. "That sounds absurd, Charlie. Hell is a place of punishment, not a rehabilitation center."

Charlie tried to explain her point of view, but Adam interrupted her with a scornful laugh. "Do you believe in second chances, Charlie?" he said with a tone of disdain. "Hell is not a place for that. Sinners come here to pay for their sins, not to be redeemed."

The discussion between them intensified as both staunchly defended their views, each determined to assert their opinion on the fate of sinners in the underworld.

Charlie looked up with determination, meeting the disdainful gaze of the angel. "But don't you think everyone deserves a chance at redemption? We all make mistakes," she argued fervently, her voice resonating with conviction.

"Hell is for those who have crossed the line. There's no room for redemption here," he responded firmly, his tone making it clear he wouldn't back down from his stance. Before leaving the meeting, he addressed Charlie with a mocking smile, as if playing with her. "Oh, and by the way, little one," he said with a tone of disdain, "guess what? Let's make things interesting. Instead of waiting a whole year for the next extermination, we'll come in six months. How does that sound?"

Unbeknownst to him, that casual sentence would mark his fate in a way he could never have imagined.

Charlie frowned at the declaration, feeling a knot of worry in her stomach, and began to plead with him not to do it. She then watched as he disconnected the hologram and left the room without even looking back. She stood there, alone in the room, with the sheets of paper and her dreams shattered by the lack of support from who she thought would be her closest ally.

With a heavy sigh, she gathered the sheets and hugged them tightly to her chest, feeling the weight of disappointment crushing her hopes.

Adam left the meeting room with a sense of relief, unaware of the destiny that awaited him. He had no idea of the importance that hotel would have in his life later on, nor how his actions would have a significant impact on the course of events to come. And as he moved forward, oblivious to the course events would take, fate was already charting its course toward an uncertain future full of surprises.

"The sin of love" (Lute x Adam)Where stories live. Discover now