Chapter 11- Decompose

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"What did you need to speak to me about? Yong."
He placed down his tea.

"I know you are a busy woman with many occupations and jobs to take care of as both a master and an official of a wine production, but many of our people have reported that your association with the threat has much more ties to betray our line of masters.
some of our maids or our men reported that you might have something to do with his goal and what he's planning to do.
We have been stressing about this for weeks and weeks.
So it would be helpful for us to tell us who he is.
About his appearance, his occupation, his hobbies, his affinity for teaching martial arts
And his abilities and power.
None of us need to withhold information that can save all of us on a painful trip to the afterlife."


"You remember every word I said. so spit it out."
his hand almost broke the tea cup.

"Are you getting so desperate enough to make me spit out who he is? Or are you trying desperate measures enough to kill a human being to spit out their words to reveal who he is more.
because even a mere child can withhold dangerous situations can be captured, tortured, or even murdered for a chance for all of it.
that's how corrupted they are.
some masters would do something like that.
some masters would go against their own town or people just to do what is right in THEIR eyes~
I heard every word. But it seems your pathetic, desperate actions to parse information to protect us aren't going to work."

"I specifically forgot you're a smart woman.
I'm not doing this because I'm desperate.
I'm doing this because so many of our people died, and it's technically nothing we can do.
We can set up borders.
we can issue strong fighters of the martial world to train under us.
We can set up an army.
We can send some of our masters from the party to do a full-blown investigation but only send them to their deaths. I supposed to do?💢"

Do you think shanxxi is a corrupted province with the intention to be two faced.
the first face is protecting the innocent and establishing the true meaning of justice.
The second face is to establish control and a dysfunctional right to know and use abusive authority?"

mingxi's smirk was slightly full of evil
as she looked at him thinking about it.

"No. It's not.
we are a big province, but we aren't evil either. So, your accusations are false because of my authority in this palace.
I'm not necessarily a bad person because of this issue.
I'm just trying to do what is right and what is necessary to stand up to this being. He's obviously a human with probably the same authority as me.
this being is dangerous, so don't lump me into being a corrupted leader."

"I'm intentionally not trying to make you out to be a corrupted leader and martial arts master of shanxxi.
But given the fact that you have the same blood as the governed leader of shanxxi, tries so hard to be a good person in order to gain notoriety and reputation for your friendly but serious attitude about this, and does everything in your power to have a tendency to fix everything on your own is much...suspicious."

"I'm a good person despite my past atrocities in training in a large family and leading an army at a young teen.
which can be qualified as inciting mass murder of an enemy of my past by my hand. I see no reason to accuse me of eliminating a child out of a chance to get some juicy information.
we all have independence of our own. so let's use it."

mingxi shut her eyes and opened them back up again.
she picked up her tea and sipped it before speaking more.

"Independence means to parse information to withhold that we got ourselves with nobody to do it for us.
What if zhao had all the information about this threat's abilities, power, weakness,strength, and qi in order for us to strike back with no mistakes.
Are you going to hold a blade onto her neck?
Are you going to trap her and torture the information out of her?
Are you going to...possibly rape her for it?~"

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