Chapter 10- fear for danger

Start from the beginning

"I think that's all we need to hear -"
chaneyang spoke up in a catty tone of voice.

"So you're telling me we have to fight for our right to live for only a mere pathetic threat who's probably weaker than a fly? I simply don't believe.."he." Is able to take control of us and act like he's his government just because he hates an important necessity in life.
control is a way to get money.
not do a mass genocide all because his goals in life aren't exactly what he wanted to be in his own vision.
I'm sorry, but your logic makes no sense.
maybe try and do your fortune telling a bit more before you speak.~"

hua looked at her a bit angry before speaking a word.

"she did her job, and yet you possibly didn't listen to anything she said?"

"it's not like i didn't listen, but it's just all too stupid to be in a full threatening situation we have going on here by a man full of pride in his own abilities that he's able to rule china after all.
who knows.
All of us might go on a full assault attack upon the threat, and then the situation is solved with no harm done to our people or to our masters in china so what's to say that we are being too overreacting about it to a man with a high level of narcissism in his mind to take control of us so easily..?
Even some masters or martial artists we know might be able to take HIM on and KILL him."

"It isn't that easy to eliminate someone who had already murdered much of our people in every village, town, or pavilion we come across? if the subordinates are that strong to eliminate hundreds to thousands of innocent people, then it's a true threat to even eliminate the emperor of china. Do you think this threat is just a fly we can swat after pulling off something like that?💢"

chaneyang scoffed out of hua's voice of irritation.
"Well then, maybe the emperor is a weak peice of shit in whom can't defend itself against a strike of a blade against their skin.
we are all strong in our way, so if we don't have the physical capacity to take in a all out assault against this being called.."him?" Then we seem to be stalling. we really don't have enough time.
If he's really so narcissistic to believe that he has the power to take down all of us and lead china to his very own hands, then he's not having a good time.
being a leader is an easy job, but being a leader of china is much worse than a governed leader."

"I don't think he's a narcissist chaneyang. I think he had a truamatic past leading to cruel masters or gods that did not fix him under his own wishes in order to BE fixed.
all of us lead a life of our own. but he might be a broken individual to believe china isn't properly his eyes.
china is led by evil even when it's never led by evil in the first place.."

chaneyang chuckled like hua had a mouth full of lies.

"seems like you defending the villain. what do you know about justice?
what do you KNOW about evil?
it seems like you're trying to justify this man's atrocities by bringing up his past and his motives to do what he's doing.
I don't understand how a blossom bitch like you knows the definition of.."evil."

Chanxi stopped her from saying something back.
as her eyes opened with a glance full of anger.

we had enough of your cocky, irreverent, and overly disrespectful speeches and remarks from you today.
we are trying to do whatever we can to resolve this situation in the easiest way, and you're not helping.
can you please shut up and listen?💢"

"Excuse me?"

"You think this is what your father would expect from his oldest daughter? You think this is what the main daughter who holds the key to your family's success would expect?
someone full of evil, someone full of despair, and an incredible amount of misery in their soul for them to be so cruel to humanity..?💢
NOBODY can be this much of a bitch of a master?"

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