im going insane over these loserz

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Everyone was screaming as Evil Leafy moved closer and closer to them. Gelatin and Firey leaned against each other and held each other in a somewhat hug as they prepared to meet their demise.

But just as Team No Name thought they were done for, Evil Leafy teleported away, most likely to chase Coiny's team as they could faintly hear him chanting the red leafs name.

With an "ahem" sound, Gelatin awkwardly moved himself away from where he had huddled up against Firey out of fear.

The light blush on Gelatins face from how close he was to Fiery just moments ago disappeared as his attention was brought to Tennis Ball cheering, "Yay! Evil Leafy's gone!"

"This tired Team Tyrant says let's all go to the fancy room to fall asleep!" Golf Ball suggests.

"Good idea!" Gelatin agrees. "And now that I've self-meditated I can fall asleep even with the weird headphone noises"

Gelatin and Fries deicide to sit on the chairs well the rest of the team falls asleep on the suspiciously leaf shaped red carpet.

Well one of them wasn't asleep. As much as Firey would hate to admit, he couldn't fall asleep! He just couldn't stop thinking about Gelatin!

Being chased by Evil Leafy made his heart pound from fear but how close Gelatin was to him, gosh he had never felt his heart beat that much.

Well Firey might be dumb at times (Coiny would argue against this, saying he was dumb ALL the time) It hadn't taken that long for him to realize he was absolutely stupidly head over heels in love with Gelatin.

He felt his face heat up just THINKING about him. You may question how is his face heating up? He's literal FIRE his face is always hot.

You see when a fire is as hot as it can be, it turns blue, which is why Firey's blush is blue. The fire himself did not know that his face would light up in blue when he was flustered, but he could tell that he was blushing.

He peeked an eye open and looked over at the green jello who sat on a chair in the corner of the room.

"Gelatin, you awake?" Firey whispered, loud enough for Gelatin to hear him despite him being on the other side of the room.

Gelatin peeked an eye open at hearing his name. He noticed Firey lying down on his stomach. He looked cute, Gelatin thought.

"You can't sleep ether?" Gelatin responded. Firey shook his head making a sound in agreement as he got up from his spot on the carpet and instead sat next to Gelatins chair.

Gelatin lifted himself from his chair and instead sat next to the Firey on the floor. His arm brushed against Firey as he did so, and Gelatin could have sworn he saw Firey's face turn a light shade of blue. He rubbed his eyes, wow he must be tired.

"So what's keeping you up?" Firey questioned, breaking the silence that was beginning to grow awkward. "Just thinking" Gelatin answered, shrugging.

"About what?" Firey asked. Gelatin took a second before answering, as if he was deciding whether he could continue with his answer.

"About how pretty you looked when we were swinging on the chandelier earlier"

Firey felt his face light up, hoping it wasn't too noticeable. "You think i'm pretty?" The flame nervously squeaked out.

"Yeah I think you're really pretty" Gelatin said as he watched the blue on the boys cheeks grow brighter. So he WAS right when he saw him blushing earlier.

About maybe a minute of silence passed in which Firey was internally screaming and Gelatin was just smiling stupidly at the boy next to him.

"You know you blush blue right?" Gelatin informed the other, breaking the silence. "I DO?!" Firey said in a slight whisper-scream, trying not to wake the other Team No Name members up.

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