Were the Wolves are

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"What?" James lifted his head over the cushion. "Sit back down. Both of you." Yvette shoved them back down into their booths as they whined and complained.

"Be quieter next time Marlene, and no, Remus thinks of me as an acquaintance," She spoke very formal.

They ended up having to cut the trip short as James' arm 'accidentally' fell onto Lily's shoulders.

She stormed off to the carriages while the three girls followed. Yvette didn't mind, she could sneak in a visit to Hagrid's maybe before dark.

They got back to the castle and Alice and Marlene crashed into the common room couches. Lily went to the library to find a new book to read. Yvette took this as an opportunity to visit the giant man and his tiny puppy.

She walked out of the west wing and down the path to Hagrid's Hut. She knocked on the oak door and was greeted by a loud and deep bark. Hagrid opened the door and ushered her in with a huge smile.

She walked in and was almost toppled over by a giant dog. "Fang?!" She laughed at the rapidly growing dog. He had grown quite a bit in the last 2 weeks. "He's such a big boy now," Hagrid gave Fang a big smooch on the head before sitting in the arm chair beside the fire.

Yvette followed and sat in the opposite chair. "So, Hagrid. I'm sure you know what's today right?" She smiled at him.

"A sa'urday?" He replied looking very confused.

"Hagrid it's your 49th Birthday!" She threw her arms up and started singing a loud happy birthday.

He laughed as she continued. "Happy birthday to you!! Your 100 and 2!! You look like a goblin and you smell like one too!!" She made a loud fart noise afterwards which caused Hagrid to burst into a hearty laugh.

"Well I completely furgot!" He laughed smiling brightly. Yvette rushed and grabbed a small, tightly wrapped present out of her bag. "Open it!" She beamed handing him the present.

"Oh yoo shouldn't ave" He looked like he was about to cry. Hagrid opened the gift and looked down to see a small roundish egg.

"Well what is this then?" He looked up at the smiling girl. "It's a hippogriff egg!" She almost shouted out of excitement.

Hagrid's jaw dropped. He placed the egg down carefully and pulled Yvette into a bone crushing hug. He started sobbing into the girls rose scented hair. "Yoo ave no idea ow much this means too me," He choked out through his tears.

She laughed and patted him on the back when he placed her back on the sturdy ground. He wiped his eyes and reached back over to the egg. "Fank you Yvette. Yur too kind," He smiled at the girl who sat back down in her seat.

"Now. Dumbledore told me about your situation," He started with a serious tone in his voice. Her eyes widened and she turned to look at him.

"He tells all the teachers that can keep you safe. Like Professor Mcgonagall, and meself." He motioned to his chest.

"I'm gonna keep an eye on yoo tunight," He smiled at her with a sparkle in his eye. "Thank you Hagrid, make sure you keep an eye of Remus as well." She turned back to look at the fire.

"Will do. Now it's gettin' late, you shood get back soon." He stood up, placing his egg on the table in a little shoe box.

Yvette stood up and accepted many thank you's from Hagrid before she actually left. It was getting darker like Hagrid said. She picked up the pace and ran through the castle, through the halls, into the common room and into her dorm.

She grabbed a pile of spare clothes and a bag full of healing potions and bandages. She left a note saying she felt ill and went to the infirmary on her bedside table. The blonde girl walked over to the boys dorms, knocking on the door.

There was a knock at the boys door and they knew immediately who it was. "You ready Moons?" Peter asked the boy who was extremely nervous.

He nodded and James let Yvette into the room. It seemed like they had cleaned just for her which she internally smiled at. "Let's go." She told them.

They all forded out of the castle and onto the grounds. "Alright we will lead you both to the shrieking shack. Once you are transformed hopefully all goes well." Sirius repeated this information seemingly to himself.

They approached a large tree. It was thrashing multiple branches around. Peter quickly transformed into a rat and scurried along, dodging the branches. He jumped on a knot in the trees root. This deactivated the aggression in the tree and it quickly calmed down.

They all ran into a tunnel at the base of the tree and they all slid down one by one.

Yvette landed in the dirt and quickly got up brushing herself off. They all walked thought a dirty and dark tunnel. A couple bugs and spiders crawled past, making Peter jump.

The tunnel led to a trap door. Sirius climbed through the door, hoisting all of them up. James and Sirius pulled Yvette up as she couldn't quite reach.

They all piled into the shack and looked around at the destruction from the last time they were here. It had been months and the place was scratched up and demolished.

"Alright the moon should shine on you at any time. We will transform once you both do. Over here." James stated, backing up towards the doorway, giving them room.

Yvette walked over to a corner of the room, with torn wallpaper. Remus stood in the other. They placed their wands down and readied themselves for the pain to come.

A beautiful strobe of white light hit the ground in-front of them. How beautiful it would be if it didn't transform such hideous things. That all too familiar feelings came back to both Remus and Yvette's bodies.

Since it was only Yvette's second time, she was a bit delayed. She glanced over at Remus, whose body was cracking and swirling in unnatural ways. Loud grunts and wales came from his mouth. He screamed and yelled for them to stop it and leave him alone.

Before he was fully transformed, Yvette felt her body contort. That searing pain flowing through her veins, that breaking of every bone and the reconstruction of them.

Her scream was much louder. She screamed at the top of her lungs, it sounded like a person was being murdered. It was something like that. Sirius and James winced at the sound of the poor girl. Peter couldn't imagine what she was feeling.

They eventually both transformed and the boys followed shortly after.

Then Remus's Wolf Moony took a break from panting and sniffed the air around him. Another scent filled his nose, another one of his kind.

Poor babies, they're only 15. Anywho, i'm trying to include Yvette into plot holes in the actual story. Like where Buckbeak came from. And you'll see what else in future chapters.

Come back next chapter to see how the full moon plays out. 💋

Word count - 2352

To the Moon and Back (Remus Lupin)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora