~ Ninth Chapter ~

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"Listen I just wanted to apologize for coming yesterday it was totally - wow! Is everything okay?"
"Everything's fine, Niall. I had a panic attack on my way to work while on a call with Mitch, he helped me, I'm fine." I answered Niall as I waited for Wendy to free up and take my order.

"Hi, Wendy. Coffee with three shots of espresso please." I asked and she nodded.
"Coming right up."

"You had a panic attack?" Niall returned to the subject when Wendy was out of earshot.
"Yeah, it's no big deal. I had a crazy night last night." I said and he was not convinced.

"No big deal? What exactly happened yesterday, Harry? It worries me that you had an anxiety attack. You haven't had one in a while." Niall said and his brow furrowed. Deep concern appeared on his face.

"I need coffee, Niall. I'll tell you everything, but right now I need my coffee." I sighed.

When Wendy returned with my coffee I thanked her and paid her. I walked to the shared workspace and Niall followed, sitting across from me at the empty table I found.

Niall stared at me as I took short sips of my boiling coffee.
After a few sips I put the glass down and stared back into his blue eyes.
"Niall, this is disturbing."

"I'm waiting for you to drink your coffee, so you can tell me what happened." He answered and I rolled my eyes.

"Wow." Niall said as I finished telling him about my night. "I'm so sorry we came yesterday, it's my fault." He said and I shook my head.

"It's okay." I said and he nodded.

"Wow.. He really took care of you? Why?" He asked after a few seconds of staring at my coffee.
"I'm not sure... but listen, it got weirder." I promised and he looked straight into my eyes curiously.

"I woke up in my bed with a hangover and Louis sleeping shirtless next to me." I said and Niall looked confused, then he understood what I said.

"What was he doing there? Did you...?" Niall asked, still confused.
"What? No! I was drunk, Niall! That's taking advantage. He knows the terms that count as consent. No, he said I didn't agree to him leaving and I asked him to stay." I said and Niall nodded.

"Bloody hell, Niall..." I said and he shrugged. "What do you want? You said he was in your bed shirtless! You can't blame me for jumping to conclusions." He answered and folded his arms across his chest and leaned back in his chair.

I rolled my eyes.
"Anyway, I asked him if he could give me a ride to work because my car is at Leon's, and he said he would take me to Leon's and wouldn't let me argue with him." I said and Niall tilted his head.
"That's really nice." He said.

I nodded in agreement.
"So I got ready for work and we went to the bar. Or at least that's what I thought, because instead of going straight to Leon's he took me to his house so he could shower and change before he went to work." I said and Niall raised his eyebrows in interest.

"He took you to his house?" He asked and I nodded.
"But he hates guests." He pointed out.
"Huh... I completely forgot about that." Wow, right. I didn't remember that at all.

I shrugged.
"Anyway, I rummaged through his rooms and belongings." I said and Niall raised his eyebrows.
"I was hoping to find something to laugh about." I explained.

"Long story short, I was in several rooms and then I walked into his bedroom, by mistake." I said and Niall nodded curiously.
"He had some pictures on the dresser, and when I looked at them he had just gotten out of the shower. He was standing there in just a towel and asked me what I was doing in his room." I explained and niall raised one eyebrow.
"And what did you say?" He asked.

Tell Me a Lie - L.S. EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now