~ Third Chapter ~

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"I recommend you order the chicken in honey." Grimmy said after a few minutes of silence.
"I don't eat chicken, I'm a vegetarian." I answered quietly and he looked at me in surprise.

"I didn't know! If I had known we would have gone to a restaurant with more vegetarian options." He replied with an apologetic smile.
"It's fine, there are enough vegetarian options here." I lied.

"Then I'll order a salad. I'll respect your belief." He said after a few more seconds of silence.
"One, it's not a belief. More like a moral code. And two, you don't have to. I don't want to force my principles on people that aren't necessarily ready for them." I answered him because I didn't think Grimmy ordering a salad respected my "belief".

"Thanks. Righteousness always whets my appetite." He answered and I tried not to roll my eyes.
"I'm just saying, order whatever you want. It doesn't bother me. Just because I don't eat meat doesn't mean I'm afraid of it." I said still trying to be polite.

"That's not what I said."
"I know, I didn't say you said that. I just said I don't think that and that you should order the chicken in honey." I answered in a very restrained manner relative to my impatience.

"Ready to order?" asked the waiter who approached us.
"Yes, I'll take the chicken in honey."  Grimmy answered and the waiter nodded and wrote it in his notebook.
"You deserve a side and a drink with that." He said and Grimmy went back to looking at the menu.

"A green salad as a side, and a drink... rosé. What do you want, Harry?" Grimmy answered and turned the question to me, smiling at me and staring into my eyes.  creepy.....? I'm not sure.

"I think I'll just have a small bowl of pasta with tomato sauce, thanks..." I replied glancing at the waiter's name tag before continuing to thank him "Cameron." I smiled at him and a blush crept onto his cheeks.
He nodded and left.

"So.. maybe you could tell me another joke?" he asked and he seemed to have a hard time bringing himself to agree with the sentence he had just said.
"Why would you ask? You hated the last one." I've pretty much given up on the possibility of this date actually working already.
"That's not true," he was quick to protest but you could hear the obvious struggle in his voice.

"It's okay, I get it. My jokes are terrible. I won't tell another one."

"No, no. It's not that. Tell me another one." He continued to refuse to let me shut up.
I sighed and tried to think of something.

"Why isn't the ocean drying up?" I tried.
"Why?" This time Grimmy cooperated.
"Because it doesn't have a towel."  He smiled this time.

"That one's good." he said and smiled at me.
"Thanks." I said quietly. what does he want?
When people start complimenting my jokes I start to worry.

A phone ringtone of "Girl Crush" suddenly played and I quickly pulled the phone out of my pocket. "Sorry."  I mumbled to Grimmy as I checked who was calling me.
Mom appeared on my screen and I looked up at Grimy. "Excuse me, I have to answer this. It's my mom. It won't take long."

"Mom?" I said as I answered the call.
"Harry. How are you, sweetheart?" she said and I smiled.
"I'm fine, mom. How about you?"
"I'm doing great, sweetie. Listen, your sister's wedding is coming up."  She told me what I know.

"Yes, mom. I'm aware." I chuckled.
"Gemma asked me to ask if you're bringing anyone to the wedding... except Niall, of course." Oh. So that's what she wanted to know.

"I'm actually on a date right now, mom." I said and waited for her response.
"Oh, how lovely! I'm so happy for you. How long have you been dating?" She misunderstood me.

Tell Me a Lie - L.S. EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now