An proper introduction

Start from the beginning

Of course he could bring up the fact that Amity Park has been without hero assistance for some time.

Either way, he had to study more about Gotham. Especially the other player in the game. Lex Luther.

Danny was so immersed he almost missed it when his name was called for his order. Danny took his order and accidentally signed, thank you. Forgetting that the worker probably didn't know sign language.

His phone buzzed in his pocket. An alert from an online article. Apparently there had been another robbery in Gothams diamond district.

What a surprise. Danny dropped the papers in the recycling bin by the dumpster at the side of the cafe.

A reflex from hanging out with Sam was that he was unconsciously environmentally conscious.

Well, he could scope out the two rival industries Wayne industries and Lex Corp.

Danny walked down the Gotham streets almost as invisible as a ghost.

He stopped into Wayne Industries first. He could sneak into their planning room and get a feel for what they were busy working on. That way he would know the perfect time to strike.

Meanwhile Bruce had decided to a surprise inspection on some of hso projects. He was making his way to the planning room to discuss with his team there when he felt a chill.

Out of the corner of his eyes he saw a black figure turning to go down the hall. Curious, Bruce abandoned his previous endeavor to figure out who it was.

He finally found the figure in the lobby. The person looked like a young, short teenager. He had black unruly hair side swept to the right. On his eyes was a bored, hollow expression. He seemed to be writing something.

Bruce turned to the reception lady.

"Who is that young man?" He asked.

She brightened up and checked her charts.

"Hmm, he's not on the list of people who checked in. Maybe he's someone kid" she suggested.

Bruce didn't think so. The teenager checked the time on his phone before crossing something off on what looked like a list.

He just seemed off.

Danny swept passed the people who seemed to be on break or scheduling appointments leaving the stuffy building.

Next stop, Lex Corp.

He didn't want Lex Luther's help nor did he need it. He was certain Wayne Industries could help. Bit it was good to scope out all the possibilities.

For example, he could see if this would cause problems for him or not.

He hadn't expected the security to be so tight however. Apparently just standing outside the doors was enough to arouse suspicious.

Two very beefy looking security guards escorted Danny forcefully to a hall. One entered the office next to the hall before making a signal to the other guard.

"Leave" a voice from behind a turned chair commanded.

Okay, he could do that.

Danny stood up from the chair he guard had previously shoved him in, "not you"

The guards left the office, closing he door with an authoritative clock as Danny slowly sat back down.

The chair turned and Danny figured out who he was talking to.

It was the ever illusive Lex Luther.

"I'm curious" he said with snarl, "why is one of Bruce Wayne's brats sneaking around here hm?"

Danny's lip curled up in a disgusted look. He wanted to gag.

It wasn't like he could just answer the man with sign language.

Danny pulled out his phone.

"You won't be able to call Daddy boy. We jammed be signals the moment you were found lurking around. As a precaution, I can't have Bruce Wayne spying on me"

Danny gave Lex Luther a hard cold look before pulling up the notes app on his phone.

Danny typed furiously before turning the phone towards Luther and sliding it towards him.

I am NOT Bruce Wayne's "Brat" nor am I spying on you with anything. I was just researching some businesses, for a school project. I would appreciate it if you just let me leave.

Danny glared as Lex glanced at him in an almost calculating way.

"Are you deaf or mute?"

Danny scowl darkened before he turned his head to show that he wasn't wearing hearing aids.

"Mute. Interesting, for a school project you say. Do you go to Gotham Academy then?"

I don't understand why it's important.

"You came all this way, you might as well get some information for your project"

It's fine, you're busy so I'll just go.

"Nonsense, tell me what I can do to help"

Since your so willing to help, can you tell me about the projects your working on.

"We have most of our research in technology, it rivals Stark industries if you can believe it, we are currently working on electric cars and subway stations. Can you imagine an electric train instead of one powered by fossil fuels and non renewable energy. It's much better for the environment"

Danny took notes while he talked. It was just as he had thought, Bruce Wayne would be much more beneficial to partner with.

Sam might've agreed with whatever this guy did blindly of she heard him go on and on about the environment but Danny was a little different.

"Is that really all you need?" Lex Luther asked as Danny turned to leave.

Danny casually assessed Lex Luther, wondering what he was getting at.

Danny nodded a simple yes, before leaving the office.

He made an inaudible groan, he hadn't wanted to meet Lex Luther in the first place. All it amounted to was wasted time for Danny.

Lex Luther narrowed his eyes in amusement. The boy seemed to be a lot more cunning than he presented himself to be.

What was he truly after, Lex wondered.

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