An proper introduction

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Danny woke up first, Tucker had decided to work on some code before evidently passing out in the middle of something.

Technology really was Tuckers field, not that Danny was completely ignorant when it came to tec, but he wasn't a genius hacker.

Danny adjusted the straps on his cross shoulder bag and left the dorm. He wasn't sure about Gotham. Something about bout it was chilling, but even so, Gotham was just another city.

Danny glanced back at Tucker, he was half hunched over the laptop, his glasses were crooked on his face and his curly hair had poofed up throwing his hat onto the floor.

Danny wrote a note so Tucker wouldn't freak out.

He had a few objectives for the day.

One, learn more about Gotham. He had to figure or who's field he was playing on.

Two, find out more on the heroes who worked here. He couldn't afford to get caught with powers. Especially not with the anti-ecto acts still in place.

Not that he was too worried about the GIW. More like if a credible heroes saw him as a villain and decided to attack.

Which added into three, get involved in politics.

Danny grimaced as he thought about the satisfied look Vlad would have if he found out Danny was trying to infiltrate that part of society.

He didn't want to, but it was crucial in getting the anti-ecto laws abolished. This type of thing would take time.

His studies at Gotham Academy was the last thing on his list of priorities. He had never been worried about performing well or getting high marks, just enough to keep his scholarship.

Danny made a few stops at different newspaper stands. He couldn't rely on just one to get an idea of what things around here were like after all.

Danny sighed, he missed his room. It had been the only comfort and solace he had back home. Here, in Gotham, well he really didn't have a place like that anymore.

Moving sucked, but at least he had Sam and Tucker with him. He was lucky their interests seemed to align so well. It helped that they were all outcasts back home.

Danny shuffled through papers before realizing he would need a place to sit so he could review these properly.

Luckily there was a little coffee shop near him. Danny trudged up to the counter and typed in his order in a notes app on his phone.

Losing his ability to speak sucked mostly because he had to do things like this so people could understand him.

The barista read carefully before nodding and relaying the order. Danny gave her his name before sitting in a booth and spreading out the papers.

He sifted through them, starting with the one on the top.


Bruce Wayne invested twenty thousand dollars to repair the newest addition to Gothams projects. He sponsored the orphanage there that was previously on the verge of bankruptcy.

Danny's eyes skimmed through the article. Most of them were praising Bruce Wayne, only a few criticized the man.

If Danny wanted to get anything done, he would have to find a way to get closer to this Bruce Wayne who seemed to be a political machine in Gotham.

Thank God for all the times Vlad's plans had sharpened his political skills. Not that he would admit that of course.

Still, Danny wasn't going to approach the man right now. He needed to find something to offer. If he brought nothing to the table then he would fail.

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