05. boy or girl?

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Bella and Connor had an appointment to go to the doctor's. Kevin had requested that he and his wife find out so they can plan the party, Bella didn't feel like arguing so she agreed. She wore a purple dress, and sandals as they were both the easiest to put on and the most comfortable. The party was inside Bella and Connor's house, but Kevin did the set up while they were out and he swore he would be clean it up after.

     Bella sat in her living room on the couch watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Reality TV had always been one of Bella's favorite things to watch, and the Kardashians made her laugh. Her legs were on Connor's lap, and he rubbed her feet. The doorbell went off and Bella called for them to come in, it was her parents.

Ellen and Jim went to greet the two, talking Bella to stay seated. They sat on the couch as well and talked with Bella and Connor and Ellen went to help in the kitchen. Connor's parents and sister had spent the night at the house because their flight had landed so they were helping get everything ready as well.

The door was opened and in walked Quinn, Maya, the twins, Jack, Morgan, baby Noah, Luke and Chloe, Trevor, and Emma. There would be a lot more people coming but Bella wanted them there early. She hugged them all and Chloe kicked Connor out of his spot.


"What? No way."

"Get out, you rat. Bella, move him."

"I can sit in the middle."

"I'll just move." Connor said rolling his eyes dramatically at Chloe.

"Bella, are you excited?" Jack asked as Noah bit his finger.

"Yes. I've been waiting for so long. And I want to know if it's going to be a boy or girl so I can completely decide on a name."

"What if it's twins?" Luke asked


"That's not how it works." Quinn said.

"Yes, it is. Ask Maya." Bella said. They other girls in the room getting the joke that Bella wanted to start.

"It's true."

"You wanted twins?" Jack asked.

"Wait, you want triplets?" Luke asked Chloe, turns out Chloe is only a few months behind Bella in her pregnancy but she is having three at one time.

"Yeah. Did you guys really not know this?" Chloe asked and all the boys said no. Which made the girls start to giggle and confused looks formed on the guys faces.

"You're messing with us?" Quinn asked.

"Yeah, you dummy." Maya told Quinn laughing.

Once everyone was at the house, they ate some food and had some drinks, Bella and Chloe stuck with water, which meant Luke and Connor were sticking with water. Connor sat at the table with Noah and the twins.

"So, since I'm the oldest, when we go to Michigan for the summer...I can boss everyone around?" Hayden asked.

"Well, you can't be bossy. But, yeah, pretty much."

"This is awesome."

"Connor. Guess what." Megan said.

"Chicken butt."

"No," Megan said laughing, "Bella's coming." Megan pointed behind him and he turned to look at his wife.

"She is. Doesn't she look pretty?" Connor asked the two who both nodded.

"I was thinking we could do whatever Kevin had planned in like ten minutes. Is that okay?"

"I'm ready whenever you are." Bella leaned over slightly to give Connor a kiss on the cheek and then walked back to the living room.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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