01. lifes good

725 16 10

August 1, 2029

"Connor Bedard, do you take, Arabella Hughes, to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"And Arabella Hughes, do you take, Connor Bedard, to be your husband?"

"I do." Bella said with a big smile on her face.

"You may now kiss the bride." As soon as those words were spoken Connor kissed his wife, and cheers were heard.

Connor and Bella were now married.

May 30th, 2034

Bella was terrified. She had finished what could've been her final season as a professional hockey player as a five time stanley cup champion. She won her first and second year in the league, then jersey won twice, then Chicago, Florida and Chicago again won, then Vancouver has won the past three years.

Bella now sat in her bathroom of her bathroom of the house. He knew was bouncing as she held a pregnancy test in her hand, waiting for the timer on her phone to go off. It's not that she didn't want a kid, she did. She wasn't sure how everyone would react.

And she wasn't sure how she would tell her husband, Connor. He was about to turn thirty, so if her wanted he could retire, most guys retired around thirty anyway. But Bella didn't want his reason to be anything other than he wanted to stop playing in the NHL.

The timer went off and she nervously picked up the stick...Positive. She was excited and so nervous she began quietly crying. There was a knock at the door, and Maya called to her telling her dinner was ready, then footsteps were heard leaving.

Bella looked into the mirror, wiped her eyes and calmed down. She made sure she didn't look like she was crying and his the stick in a drawer. She took a seat and smiled at the twins.

Maya and Quinn both sensed something was wrong, but they were going to ask her about it later. They had spaghetti and meatballs and in a few days they would be leaving for summer in Michigan in a few days so they were trying g to get rid of everything perishable in the house.

Bella was in her room packing her suitcase for Michigan when there was a knock on the door. She sighed and walked over. When she opened it, Quinn was there with some look on his face.

"What's with the look?"

"What's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong."

"Bella, something's off. Maya and I noticed it at dinner." Quinn said and Bella looked at Quinn, debating on what to do.

"Bring Maya in here, then." When Quinn went to get her, Bella went to get the test to show the two, and she put it behind her back.

The two came back and shut the door behind them, so if the twins showed up to eavesdrop they wouldn't be able to.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Maya and Quinn both asked.

Bella let out a shaky breath and handed the two the pregnancy test. Maya grabbed and they both looked at it, their eyes lighting up."

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