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A/n: hello my fellow readers and followers, here's the beginning of this story. If you read the description you should know what's going to happen.

Now with that being said let's begin.

Third Person POV

Both Y/n and violet headed into town to get some more ammo. As Y/n walks down the street with Violet on his back to go refill on dust. A guy flies through the window and a girl with a Red Cloak jumps through the broken window.

Violet: "Um should we help?"

Y/n: "If it's Roman and his goons.... We got to do something"

10 Minutes Later

While they were helping Ruby Rose, a blonde woman joins in on the fight, and this woman was known as Glynda Goodwitch.

The two snow twins help Ruby Rose the best way they could but Roman and his goons got away with the dust.

Violet: "He got away...."

Ruby: "That was amazing! Can I have your autograph?

Glynda did not say anything but looks at the three of them.

Glynda: "You three are coming with me."

Ruby: "What! I was defending myself!"

Y/n: "No, we're leaving."

The two try to walk away but Glynda puts them in bubbles before they can leave. Along with Ruby Rose. The two tried to break through them but couldn't.

Violet: "Let me go!"

Y/n: "Let us go you bitch!"

Glynda: "Like I said, you three are coming with me."


Glynda: "I hope that you realize that your actions tonight will not be taken lightly, Young children. You put yourself and others in great danger."

Ruby: "They started it!"

Glynda: "if it were up to me, you'd be sent home.. with a pat on the back."

Ruby smiles as Y/n sits bored and Violet stares at the ground scared.

Glynda: "....And a slap on the wrist.

She slams the table making Ruby and violet jump. Y/n glares at the woman. He was already not liking her at all.

Glynda: "But... There is someone here who would like to meet you."

Ozpin walks in and leans into Ruby's face.

Ozpin: "Ruby Rose. . . . You have silver eyes..."

Ruby: "Uh um"

Ozpin: "And the infamous ice cold siblings."

Y/n looks at him with a cold look.

Y/n: ""

Ozpin: "Anyway where did you learn to do this?"

Ruby: "Signal Academy"

Y/n: "And we were self-taught"

Ozpin: "interesting..., it's just that I've only seen one does the old crow able to use a scythe with that skill"

Ruby: "Oh that's my uncle Qrow"

Ozpin: "And as for you two...."

Violet visibly tenses up.

Ozpin: "You two ran away... And are responsible for some murders."

Ruby looks surprised.

Y/n: "Yeah, and?"

The Shattered Hearts (RWBY X Male Tortured Reader X Female Abuse Reader)Where stories live. Discover now