Chapter 11: The scenery after the snow (2)

Start from the beginning

"How do they get back, will the subway stop running again?" She was a little worried.

Lin Yiyang didn't take it seriously: "Two men, not girls, can spend a night anywhere."


The contents of the pot are about the same.

Should I sit for a while, or get up and clean up?

Yin Guo couldn't help but glanced at him, in the white mist of steaming hookah, he was really like that night, with dark pupils, looking directly at himself. That night was the first time she looked at a man at such a close distance. She was startled and just wanted to guess which country he was from...

Lin Yiyang bent down, picked up the half bottle of wine on the floor, and raised the bottle to her.

This is asking her if she still wants it.

"I don't want it anymore, you can finish it." Yin Guo stood up and put the dishes on top of each other, in a posture of preparing to clean up.

"Put it here," he said. "I haven't finished eating yet."

He wanted to clean up himself, he could only find this excuse.

But there was really nothing in the pot. He took his chopsticks and symbolically stroked the water twice.

It is estimated that I have not eaten enough, and I am embarrassed to say it? Yin Guo thought.

Prepare more dishes next time.

That night, there was a blizzard all over the city. Wu Wei and his cousin mixed in the bar and didn't come back.

New York in March is as cold as the Northeast in December.

The heating in the room was frighteningly hot, much hotter than the hotel. She slept until the middle of the night, her throat was dry, she got up from the bed, drank a glass of water by the bed, and wanted to go to the bathroom.

I thought Lin Yiyang was sleeping, but he didn't expect to open the door. He sat alone in the living room and surfed the Internet at the dining table. Because the lights were not turned on outside, all the light came from the screen of his laptop, which immediately attracted her attention. past.

"You haven't slept yet?" she was surprised.

His first action was to buckle the computer: "Is the computer too bright?"

very good.

There is no light in the house now.

"No, no. I'm going to the bathroom." Yin Guo took a step and groped forward.

On the first day she came, she was not familiar with the structure of the house, so she wanted to recall where the switch was.

There was a soft click, and the room was bright. Lin Yiyang helped her turn on the light.

In the room full of lights, she could see that Lin Yiyang had already changed his clothes. Presumably because it was too hot, he took off his coat, wearing only sports shorts and a half-sleeve top. Therefore, all the tattoos that were deliberately hidden at dinner were exposed.

Lin Yiyang watched her stare at his right arm again, reached out, picked up the sportswear on the sofa, and put it on hastily.

Yin Guo took the opportunity to run to the bathroom.

Looking in the mirror, it's really sloppy.

She unbuttoned her hair before going to bed, tossing and turning on the bed for too long because it was too hot, and her waist-length curls were scattered all over her shoulders. It's no wonder that there are very few men and women renting together. It's really embarrassing to run into the bathroom in front of outsiders.

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