First Flight

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John was nervous, he was about to put his feet on his ship for the first time. He read the schematics too many times and was ready for the walk. At his side was Kyashi, she was waiting for the admirals with him. She was wearing her usual white coat.
"Are you nervous?" She said with a smile.
"A bit..."
"You don't touch me anymore." John honestly said.
"Heh, you're funny, John. You're taken now. I can't flirt with you."
"It never felt like flirting."
"Well, that's because of me... I'm a bit of brute myself, don't worry about it."
"As you say." John was looking at the side of the ship.
It was white and red. The name was written just a its side. He wanted to jump inside. He was in love with the ship, he watched it from the lookout for a full hour. He knew it's form from memory. He loved the inverted wings and the light shining through the windows. Charles hugged him before he could salute.
"John! Thank you for rescuing my niece."
"You're welcome..." John was scratching his head.
"Don't be so formal, John." Masaru said at loud. "It's a beauty."
"Yeah, you're ignoring the doctor."
"Good morning, doctor. I apologize." Charles said with a smile.
"I heard about that rescue in the news, John... You're so brave."
"They were pricks. Did Jutta change her security firm?"
"Yes, she got a firm from a friend of mine now. They're trustworthy. Hana talks about you all the time, and not because of your talented girlfriend."
"Eh, he must have fans in every corner of the galaxy by now." Kyashi said with malice.
"It's a fact. I didn't tell you personally, John. Good job on the recovery of the cannon, it was a lot cleaner than I expected." Masaru said at loud. "This way."
The door opened from them. The voice of the ship was mechanical.
"Commander on board!" It said through the systems.
They were standing in a little bridge. The scanner passed a few times before unlocking the main door for them. John activated his guide. The cute bee was in front of them. Masaru was surprised.
"This way is the bridge, the navigation system and the cockpit." The voice was soft and calm.
The bee turned around to point in the other way. "Stairs to subdeck one is that way."
"I didn't know that you liked ships so much, John."
"I made a tour for my guide." John said with a smile. "It will be useful later, when the rest are here."
"It's kinda funny see you with that, John."
"She gave it to me, it showed me a few cities in Talisia."
"And I was thinking that was not a good gift..." Kyashi said at loud. "Let's walk."
John walked through every single centimetre of the ship. The place was fantastic. In subdeck one were the common grounds, the dining room, a little lounge and a working area. Subdeck two was mostly for gear and the engineer space. The motor was a marvel of technology for him. They were the only ones in the ship, so he couldn't ask to the chief. The hangar was spacious, and it was hosting the first surprise. A Kessel-Bas Grasshopper was parked in front of the bay. It was plotted with the EAN colours.
"That's a thank you gift from my sister-in-law, John. She was offended because you just leave like nothing had happened. They make it just for you, it's a military edition. The only one, we even have the full specs for your engineers."
"Shit!" John said at loud. "It's fantastic."
He was sending Jutta a thank you.
"Hana designed it, it's a marvel of technology." Charles said at loud. "I have to say... I want this ship now."
"Too late know, admiral." John said with a violent smirk.
"Eh, I could fight you for it." He said with a smile.
"I would bet on John, though." Masaru said with malice. "He's a young version of you with biokinetics."
"I have experience!" Charles said full of energy. "You're lucky, John. This way... let's take the doctor to the infirmary."
John was looking at the hangar. He would need a space for a gym, and he found the workbench under the entrance. The place was just what he wanted. Kyashi sat in her desk to watch him fumble with the window.
"This is well equipped, admiral."
Kusanagi was sitting in front of her.
"It is, this ship needs to be self-sufficient for its purpose." He said at loud. "We wanted a third tank, but..."
"Well, I try to make sure that they don't need them." Kyashi said with a smile. "John! I love the way you changed."
John was distracted with the wings.
"Sorry, the Rōnin is amazing!"
"That would be all, you can explore your room yourself... It was against regulations, but..."
"He asked himself for that room, when he still wanted to be the captain." Masaru said with malice.
"Eh, I can't trust you anything..." He replied with a smile. "It's better this way."
"Did you work in a ship before?" John asked while sitting in the stretcher.
"It would be my first time; The nurse seems to have experience with soldiers... We'll be fine. I already know the commander." She replied with a smile.
The admirals walked outside of the infirmary while reading something in their holotools.
"That's true... How you've been?"
"Fantastic, Esha sent her regards. We had a drink a week ago."
"Is she happy as a cop?"
"She is, you were on point with that suggestion..." Kyashi was looking at him. "You're just wonderful. Varya's asked about you yesterday, she was jealous of your ship."
"They wanted her to be the captain." John said without looking at her.
He didn't want to think about her.
"I'm sorry, I always bring her into our conversations."
"I... don't mind much." John said at loud. "I just feel like a fool."
The door opened for Ashari. She hugged him and kissed him. She was wearing a tight pink dress. Her shoes were doing a peculiar sound against the ground.
"Hello, handsome!"
She was carelessly groping his ass.
"How are you, Kyashi?"
He was just caressing her back.
"Fine, how do you get in here?"
"The admirals get me in, I wanted to see my man's ship." She said with a smile. "I want him to be a bit indecent, but..."
"He won't." Kyashi said at loud. "I was hoping that he was indecent in private." She was pure malice.
"He is." Ashari kissed him again. "So... Is the doctor seducing you?"
"Not really... She believes herself a brute."
"She probably misread you, love."
"I'm happy with you two, I lost my chance in Elysium..."
"You let that blonde broke his heart." She seriously said.
"That's true..." Kyashi was looking at her. "My bad. I believed that those two were... a nice pairing."
"You're mine, mister." She said with a smile. "Would you give me a tour through the ship?"
"I would love to." John replied with a smile.
"See you later, doctor..." She said while walking through the door.
John walked through the place with her ending in his room. The door opened to reveal a big room. John was feeling Ashari's hand on his ass. The room got his own bathroom and even a little office for him. The bed was big and behind was a wonderful window. Ashari sat on the bed while he was looking at a wardrobe.
"How do you actually get in here, Asha?"
"I have authorization, love. I'm technically a part of your team, remember?"
John sat at her side.
"I was thinking about our conversation... the one we had on Earth." She said while looking at his eyes. "Maybe I want to follow you through the galaxy making sure you don't get hurt."
"Would that make you happy?" John said with a smile. "That's all I wanted to say, Asha. Maybe..."
"I did realize that I put a lot of sweat, blood and tears to be a spy..."
"Just feel the ground..."
He caressed her face with love.
"Maybe, if you chose it, you would like to be a spy. Are you just a spy?"
"I'm a proper spy, John. I don't like to assassinate, if that what you are asking..."
"Just curious..."
"I'll tell you my secrets someday. Even if is treason."
"It's not necessary."
"I love your hands, beautiful..."
John was smiling.
"I want you improve your self-esteem. A man like you should be confident..."
"Why do you like me? I think you will be better off with someone that can keep up with you..."
"Are you still hanging on that? I would be taken if that would be the case..."
She pulled his hands while putting a slow ballad on the room's audio system.
"I love the man who dances just for me."
She put his hand on her waist. They were slowly dancing with the music.
"I'm just following your hips..."
"That's enough, handsome..."
She passionately kissed him.
"Just that, with me... Remember when you asked me to surrender to you? Well, I'm yours..."
"I'm not like other men, Asha... I want you... you..."
"Just say it, love."
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you..." John seriously said.
She just smiled.
"Those are wonderful words, John. Any woman would love to hear them."
"You still feel unlovable?"
"I love you very much..." She said with a smile.
They were moving around the room following the music.
"That bee dances with you... Maybe we can try that bed of yours..." She was full of lust. "Sometimes you have to grope my ass, love..."
"Sorry, I don't..."
"Can they enter without your permission?"
"No, I have to open the door for them..."
"Why are you not making love to me?" She said with lust. "You're getting good at taking these dresses off me..."
"I can't say no to you, Asha..."
"I will always treat you well, love..."
She was light as a feather.

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