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John was in full armour waiting for his ship. Nick was piloting the shuttle to the landing pad. They were flying over the Titan, the city, when he got a call from Ashari.
"Handsome! I had a few minutes free and was missing you."
"Asha, I'm putting you through the comms, I have company."
"Hello, people." She was extremely extroverted. "How are you, lover?"
"On my way to Alpha Centaury, I was about to give you a call."
"Do you got recalled?"
"No, it's a favour for Admiral Roberts. Some family issue with pirates from the Dark Quadrant." John said at loud.
Nick was hearing every word.
"OK. Are you going right now? Did you meet your pilot?"
"Yeah, he's right here."
"Hello, milady." Nick was completely serious. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
"His name is Nick."
"Oh, hello, Nick. Take care of my man, please."
"I will, milady."
"I think he is afraid of you." John said with malice. "How is the stadium? You know that Manchester United used to play there?"
"It's nice and cozy. I don't know what a Manchester United is."
"It's a football team, did you meet the producer?"
"Yes, it's a romantic movie, they wanted me for the main protagonist. I asked for the script..."
"Nice, don't throw it away just now."
"I know, silly. I miss you."
"I miss you too, Asha. I'll try to be there for the show."
"Just come back to me in one piece, love. Kisses!"
John was exchanging a gaze with Nick.
"Shit, you have too much presence. So, it was love then... I envy you, man. She's so hot..." He couldn't maintain eye contact.
"Takemura is the name of the ship." John said at loud. "They are waiting for us. Yes, captain. We will dock directly. We have permission to board."
John and Nick descended to the hangar. John walked to the equipment station to talk with the captain.
"Commander, you're in luck. We were about to leave the port when the Admiral call us."
"I don't know how he has all the ships of the fleet on his head." John said at loud. "Sorry for the wait."
"Don't worry about it, your IDs are on the system but is a short flight to Agatha."
"We'll stay here."
"Your pilot must like lifting."
"My body is a temple, cap." Nick said with a smile. "I can pump a bit before the mission."
"Mi casa, su casa." The captain said. "Is that OK? My Spanish is a bit rusty."
"If you're Mexican or Spanish, more or less. Mi casa es su casa, will be a bit more correct." John said with a smile. "Sentite como en casa, is the expression from Argentina."
The captain saluted before retiring. John was looking at Nick, the man was lifting a lot in the gym. It was in a corner of the hanger near an old Taurus.
"I forgot that you are Argentinian."
"Doesn't mean much out in the galaxy."
"Yeah, that's true. You have a martial artist built, John. I wouldn't like to cross fists with you."
John punched a bag with his biokinetics. It exploded, covering the floor with sand. Everyone was impressed.
"Sorry..." John was scratching his head. "My bags are a bit sturdier..."
A little bot was cleaning the mess.
"That was awesome!" A woman shouted from the thread mill.
"OK." Nick was nervous. "That was..."
"Biokinetic punch, you put a bit of kinetic energy on your fist to give it more... force, so to speak."
"Damn... I definitely don't want to cross fists with you."
"Did you always wanted to be a pilot?"
"Since birth. My father is a ship engineer. I lived most of my life on ships."
John sat in the ground to do some yoga.
"I need to know about your mission, Nick. Wanna tell me about it?"
"It was a fiasco, they give me orders to pick up civilians and the squad, I choose the squad, but we got late for the civilians. We were guarding a colony in the fringes of the arm..."
"Well, you took a decision at least." John said at loud.
He was doing a headstand.
"Yeah, I was lost either way. Pirates everywhere. I felt that if I could get the squad to the civilians, I could save both."
"Is not that bad, they probably ground you for the way you told the story. Remember that we choose this life, Nick. People first, always. You must make your own rules, in the end you have to sleep at night with your conscience clean."
"Yeah, easy to say..."
"I know."
"Those ignicians taught you a bunch of things."
"Yeah, they like yoga. A bit too much if you ask me. Ashari and her dancers do it too."
"Eh, the soldier and the musician, that's an odd couple."
"I'm with you on that."
"You are too relaxed about it, she's quite the celebrity."
"I'm trying to get used to the whole celebrity mess..."
"Eh, fantastic..." He was sitting in the bench.
John jumped from the ground to stand.
"I don't know how you can do that with your armour. I need freedom to feel the ship's balance."
"These things save your life, Nick. I need a pilot, though."
"What would I be doing on your ship?"
"Piloting. It's a... peculiar ship. You are a fit to the profile. You can work with anything as far I could ask."
"I can."
"Well, I need you to see you in action, though."
"That brick is barely a ship, John."
"I know, but you just need to take to places where I need to be and follow my orders."
"Won't be a problem."
A few people were gathered around them. Ashari taught him that he must be cordial with people.

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