11-Good News & Bad News

Start from the beginning

Optimus held her hair up meanwhile his free servo caressed her back in circles.

"Anything you want?"

"Just you." She jokes as Optimus takes a damp tissue and wipes off any excess vomit from her lips.

"I'll lay you in bed, and go tell your father, okay?"

Stella nods laying down in their shared bed, pulling her fuzzy blanket and wrapping it around her.

"If you need or want anything call me." He leans in kissing her forehead, before leaving her.

As she lay she moved due to her sore breast, and that's when she began thinking. Her breast had been sore for weeks, yet her period had failed to arrive. She gets up lazily walks to the bathroom and checks her underwear to see them stain-free from any blood. 

"Damn it." She groaned sitting on the floor, before grabbing her phone and sending June a text.

-Hi, Ms. Darby

-Hi, Stella. You know you can call me June. How are you doing?

-That's the reason why I'm texting you

-I was wondering if you could maybe get me a pregnancy test? I'll pay it to u later

-No problem! And there's no need for you to pay me back. If you want come to the hospital, how does that sound?


That day Stella got ready and headed to the hospital not expecting her worries to be true. However, when June showed her the positive test, she gasped in shock. She and Optimus had unfortunately not exactly been protecting themselves, not to mention how much they both enjoy creampies. However, her main worry was telling Optimus. 

They both had shared they wished to be parents, but they never really talked about "when" they wished to become parents. She knew Optimus would of course be a good man and be part of the child's life, but what if he wasn't ready? What if he's scared? Or worse what if he changes his mind?!

But of course, Optimus was very happy.

**Back to Present* 

"You're pregnant?!" Fowler gasped as looking at the pregnancy test and back at his daughter who laughed it off.

"Yes, Dad! You're going to be a pop pop." She laughs before getting hugged by her dad.

"Wait! A-And school?!"

"I'm gonna do university online, Dad. I'm also gonna-"

At that moment, a loud bang from the backyard cuts their discussion and Fowlers goes outside to check it out. Stella runs behind her dad and sees an angry Megatron standing there. 

"Stella get behind me," Fowler tells Stella as she stands behind her father.

"Get away from my child, you imbecile."

"As if! I won't let you take my daughter!" Fowler yells pushing Stella inside the house.

However, Megatron with ease grabs a hold of Stella by pushing the agent with his servo.

"Let me go!" Stella yells hitting Megatron's seervo that held her.

Megatron shakes his helm before turning to Fowler with a wide smirk.


"Let me go!" Stella cried out as her "father" had her tied up to a chair.

"You think I'll let you go and allow you to run back to the Prime? Over my dead frame! I won't allow you to go back to him, nor have that bastard of yours!" Megatron yelled out scaring the young woman.

Her eyes widened at Megatron knowing about her pregnancy. How did he know? Was he spying on her? And if yes how much does he know?

"I once thought of him as a brother, and look at him! He took the Primacy from me, he fragged my daughter, and now got you carrying his sparkling! I'll kill him next time I see him!"

"You'll do no such thing! You won't hurt him!"

"Why not? He's betrayed me and now has even disrespected me!"

"I still can't believe you're my father. Everyone is right, I'm not the daughter of a monster and rapist." Stella spits out making her father raise his servo. She flinches looking away from him to be met with a harsh and firm slap, however, she's instead left there. She looks up seeing her father unable to slap her.

"If you're my true father, then stop this war! You started the war over a fucking title! Do you think being a Prime is all fun and games? All Optimus does is work! He never intended to betray you! He still cares and even wishes to be your friend again!"

Stella tries to reason with her father who shakes his helm.


Megatron turns away from his daughter and looks at the door that opens to Knockout.

"Keep an eye on her, and that imbecile of a sparkling! Maybe, by getting rid of it we will change her mind."

"What?! No! You will not kill my child!"

"M-My lord, O-Optimus will already be furious at us. If we get rid of his sparkl-"

"I DON'T CARE!" Megatron yells out leaving his daughter crying as she fears for the little one in her belly.

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