Chapter 8

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The Greens, Y/N, and Vixie are seem walking into a lavish seafood restaurant, Sea Fusïon.

Everyone except Gramma, Vixie, and Y/N: "Wow..."

They group began to look at the decor of the place.

Cricket: "We didn't have restaurants like this back in the country."

Y/N: "The only lavish place in the country I went to was a diner. And it's a whole lot better than this place."

Nancy: "What? I thought you liked eating at places like this. Like that restaurant you took us to awhile ago."

Y/N: "Only cause my friend makes the food I want. Doesn't just cut off a piece of grade A stake the size of a USB drive and charge me $80 for it. At least the bread was good."

Vixie: "I was tasked to Blacklist the restaurant to close friends after that. Then we went to eat at a fast food restaurant."

Gramma: "I agree with Y/N. I don't like it. Feels too city-fied!"

Bill: "That's the point. I figured we'd all enjoy a genuine Big City dining experience." He held up a card. "Plus, I've got a gift card, so it's free!"

Cricket: "Niiiice."

Hostess: "Hi there! Welcome to Sea Fusïon."

Bill: "Howdy!"

Hostess: "Ooh! Where are you all visiting from?"

Bill: "Visiting from"? Oh, no. We live here!"


Bill: "Cricket, please."

Waitress: "All righty then. If you'll follow me, I've got a table for you."

The gang followed her.

Cricket: "What the heck kinda food is Sea Fusïon?"

Tilly: "It's taken two different types of food and blended them together to make one."

Cricket: "Like if you put an egg...on a donut?"

Tilly: "Yeah, but with fish."

Cricket: "I want it!"

The hostess shows the Greens to a booth.

Hostess: "Here you are." They sat down and were handed menus. "Here are your menus, and your waiter will be with you shortly."

All but Gramma, Vixie, and Y/N: "Oooooh!"

Cricket: "I'm gonna order the craziest, wackiest thing here!"

Gramma: "That won't be hard. It's all GARBAGE!" She tossed her menu away.

Another customer: "OW!"

Gramma: "What kinda restaurant doesn't serve PIZZA?!"

Y/N: "Or chicken fried steak? At least chicken nuggets and fries..."

Bill: "They do it in smoothie form."

He showed a page which displayed a "Shrimpy-Pizzy Smoothie."

Bill: "See? The Shrimpy-Pizzy Smoothie!"

Gramma: "Eugh!! Pizza's for eatin', not drinkin'!" She noticed something. "Huh?"

A trident is seen hanging from a plaque over the couple just down the path from them.

Gramma: "What the...? Where have I seen that trident before?"

A waiter walked up the the Greens.

Waiter: "Goooooood evening, folks! Have you decided on what you'd like to order?"

Big City Green X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now