Do you realize the risks? You know what can happen if you cum... But you will, right?
Harry gasped as Tom started rolling his hips. The peaks of pleasure on one side or the other of the bond overwhelmed him and he squeezed his husband's thighs, moaning just at the idea of what would happen, without being able to push away the idea that somewhere, this would make him happy. Except it was way too soon and Tom shouldn't be smiling like that about something that could be so serious for both of them. To think that the incubus had violently rejected this fact at the beginning and he with it... Tom kissed him as if to make his head spin even better while their bodies adapted much better to this new dance than they would have predicted .

Harry let himself go, even if he had wanted to, he couldn't have controlled anything more as he wanted, needed to cum. Marveling at the way Tom moved on top of him, around him, the friction growing stronger, his arching as he pulled the sheets tighter around his head. The demon was so beautiful! Harry lowered his gaze in a vain attempt to hold back again. The incubus' erection was under his nose. In an impulse, he grabbed it.

And enjoys with a loud cry


Tom felt stunned, so stunned that he just moaned lowly as he sprayed his prey's stomach with his seed. Groggy with orgasm, he observed the glistening trails on his husband's wet skin, moving up his chest, keenly animated by the need to find his breath, then his reddened face. His bright eyes. Harry knew how to be beautiful. Tom felt his body twitch with the thought of kissing her. He moved his pelvis, his food cock slipped out of him and he froze at the feeling of his cum running down his thighs.

Damn it ! Tom moved again but this time to draw his wand to him and cast a contraceptive spell on himself before calling the elf for a potion. All under the blissful smile of his prey, a bit of a mocking smile.

It's not necessary…
I won't be pregnant with you when you're fifteen, Harry James Potter!
Potter-Riddle… And if you remembered the book as well as I do, you would remember that I can't get you pregnant the first time. It just develops something in us.
Tom hid the body of his young lover when the elf returned and thanked him for the vial he had bought... Just in case. It had to be said that the idea of carrying a life made him panic a little even if he knew how not to show it. He placed the bottle on the bedside table and grabbed the book on his race, under Harry's still amused gaze. Who nevertheless tried to reassure him by caressing his thigh.

Page 153.
You reread the passage...
He had to. I know none of us are ready for this. I don't want to share more with you than I already do.
Tom felt a certain warmth as he opened the book. He thought he was his prey, but Harry had spoken of something triggered within him and he wondered what that was. He ran his index finger over the passage as he read it:

“  When the incubus finally accepts that his companion possesses him, their telepathic bond will be strengthened, so that they will be able to speak to each other regardless of the distance between them. It is a sort of gift that the two parties give each other in the very real equalization of their position in the couple. Furthermore, even if it is possible that the demon offers a child to its prey, such an event – rather rare! – this will only happen after a certain amount of sexual intercourse and the preparation of the sac which will accommodate the fetus.

As it requires energy and assurance of the desire to reproduce on both sides, it would take around ten to a good twenty years for the incubus to actually become pregnant. The pregnancy would then last ten months (see the chapter on this subject for more details.)

Tom felt reassured, then telepathy... That was interesting. 


Harry never stopped being dreamy. It had been good to be in his incubus and knowing that they would do it again made him want to go back to bed. Really, it was becoming more than boring being at Hogwarts and if it wasn't for killing Dumbledore once and for all, Harry would have given up. He was absentmindedly stroking Sirius' fur; Sirius was lying next to him, his neck adorned with a beautiful necklace given to him by Tom. In order to prevent him from returning to human form, obviously. His godfather should not be able to spill the beans and even if he had difficulty with what he was going through, the former escapee remained wise. So as not to hurt his godson in vain.

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