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jeongin lounged against the stone wall of the hogwarts courtyard, a mischievous grin playing on his lips as he watched the slytherin students pass by.

among them, his eyes focused on you, a target for his playful banter. with a flick of his wrist, he sent a harmless spell your way, teasing and laughing with his mates.

however, his amusement turned to blight as the spell connected with your wand, shattering it into two pieces. guilt flooded through him, and he rushed to your side.

you let out a frustrated sigh as you ignored, walking along with your friends. "hey!" jeongin followed behind, "don't ignore me-"

your friend turned around, pointing her wand at him, "leave it," you say, "he's not worth our time,"

during the transfiguration class, as the professor lectured, jeongin secretly and covertly folded a piece of parchment into a paper plane.

with a blow, he sent the paper plane soaring across the room, aiming it directly towards you. you sighed inwardly, recognizing the familiar pattern of his teasing. but this time, you were determined not to let it bother you.

as the paper plane glided through the air towards you, you braced yourself for another round of jeongin's playful antics. however, before it could reach you, a stern voice cut through the classroom.

"detention, mr. yang," the professor's sharp tone echoed across the room. the paper plane came to an abrupt halt, hovering in front of the professor's desk as she burned it before you could even see what was written.

you couldn't help but chuckle at the irony of the situation, a small smirk tugging at the corners of your lips. the professor's gaze flickered to you, her expression softening slightly at your reaction, but her resolve remained firm.

"detention for you as well, miss y/n," she announced, her tone leaving no room for argument.

the atmosphere was tense, neither of you speaking a word as you worked side by side under the watchful eye of the professor, both of you tasked with sorting through a mountain of old textbooks.

after the professor exuced herself for a bit, jeongin finally broke the silence. "i'm sorry about your wand," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper, but you ignored.

jeongin sighed, his shoulders slumping in defeat as he realized his apology fell on deaf ears. he watched you continue to sort through the textbooks, your silence speaking volumes.


"shut up. i don't want another detention,"

sadly, the luck was not on your side as the proffesor returned, catching you two chatting."is there something you'd like to share with the class, mr. yang, miss y/n?" the professor inquired, her tone sharp and unwavering.

the two of you apologize before getting back to work. just then another mountain of books landed on your desk. "sort these books into the library in their respective places," she ordered.

you exchanged a resigned glance with jeongin before diving into the new task assigned by the professor. as you both sorted through the additional pile of books.

the tension between you began to dissipate slightly, replaced by a mutual understanding of the predicament you found yourselves in.

as you worked side by side with jeongin, sorting through the mountain of old textbooks, the atmosphere began to thaw.

with each book placed in its designated spot, the tension between you seemed to lessen, replaced by a shared understanding forged through the trials of detention.

"hey," he whispers.

to not get caught up again, jeongin tears the corner of a page, scribbling something on it before passing it to you.

a small bell chimed as the keeper emerged from the back of the shop, his piercing eyes appraising the two of you with keen interest.

"ah, visitors," he said, his voice carrying an air of wisdom and mystery. "what brings you to olivanders today?"

"looking for a new wand for this madam right here," jeongin replied, glancing at you sheepishly with a small apologetic smile.

with a flick of his wrist, the keeper summoned a row of wand boxes, each adorned with intricate designs and symbols. you watched in awe as he carefully selected one and handed it to you.

"give it a wave," he instructed gently. you did as he said, feeling a surge of magic as the wand responded to your touch. it wasn't perfect, but it felt right.

"i'll pay for it," jeongin says, offering the cash.

a/n: jiya again helped me writing this. also, let me know if y'all want a part2 for this<3

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