Part 16

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Somewhere else on Zakmus.

Ronon is still fighting with the queen. Rodney arrives and shoots at the queen who falls on the floor. Ronon looks at Rodney. He gets up and goes to him.

RODNEY: Is she dead?
RONON: I don't think so. (Rodney looks behind and sees her getting up) Go, go!

They start to run. The queen is angry and runs. She sees Swalo going to the right and goes to the right too. She manages to catch up with him and jumps on him. He is scared and tries to take his gun. She throws it and feeds on him. She gets up and runs towards the others.

Ronon arrives with Rodney to Gorkin, who is on the floor. Marshall is firing at some wraiths behind him, as well as McQuin. McQuin gets hit by a blast and falls on the floor. Rodney is going to him but gets hit too. The wraiths are closing on them and Marshall and Ronon stop firing. They look as the wraiths all come out of the bushes and surround them. Marshall looks at Ronon. The queen arrives


On the Daedalus.

Caldwell arrives in the lab where the others are working with Hermiod.

CALDWELL: Colonel Carter. (She looks up at him) We're in position.
SAM: We're almost ready here.
CALDWELL: (Looks at Moore working with Hermiod) Are you sure one Naquadah bomb is enough to blow up an entire sun? (Sam looks embarrassed; She hesitates and is about to speak when Moore gets up)
MOORE: Yes, Colonel. (Sam looks at him, he looks at her for a second then at Caldwell) Hermiod and I have... doubled its power by adding all of the C4 available and some of the components of the Daedalus's weapon system. We also increased the... (Caldwell gestures to him to stop)
CALDWELL: Just make sure this bomb doesn't explode while on my ship, Doctor.
MOORE: (Hesitates) Yes, sir.
CALDWELL: (Looks at Sam) Tell me about your plan again.
LORNE: (Comes forward) We use one of the 305 to carry the bomb to the sun, which should give the Daedalus enough time to go around the planet where the shield should protect it from the blast. The four of us will be on a jumper, here (shows a point on the map, next to the planet but far enough from the sun) where we will wait until the shield is down to safely fly to the planet's surface and rescue Colonel Sheppard.
TEYLA: Doctor Moore believes that Colonel Sheppard and his team are on this side of the planet. That is where we will be heading, as soon as we get their life signal.
MOORE: The Daedalus should get the life signals of whoever is on the other side of the planet. Hermiod and I have successfully repaired the beaming controls, so you should be able to beam them back on board safely.
CALDWELL: (Pauses, looks at all of them, suspicious) That simple?
SAM: If the bomb works... then yes.
CALDWELL: (Waits another moment) Alright. I'll get my team ready.
MOORE: Thank you, Colonel. (Caldwell leaves. Moore takes a deep breath)
SAM: You didn't have to lie for me.
MOORE: Oh no, I did. I'm not military, I can't get court-martialed.
SAM: You can still get fired.
MOORE: Funny, I thought you were the one making decisions, Colonel. (Sam smiles, the others do the same)
LORNE: I could use someone like you in my team, doc.
MOORE: Why? So you could use me as an excuse every time you screw up?
LORNE: See? You already read my mind. (Teyla smiles at them)


On Zakmus.

McQuin wakes up. He sits up and sees Rodney, Ronon, and Marshall on their knees, and Gorkin sitting next to them. They are surrounded by wraiths. He looks and sees the queen looking at him.

MCQUIN: Sergeant?
MARSHALL: Easy there, McQuin... (McQuin gets on his knees too. Whispering) You ok?
MCQUIN: Yes, sir.
QUEEN: Who wants to talk first? (No one is answering) Someone has to. (She goes to Gorkin and puts her hand on his leg. He screams) Will it be you??
RONON: Me! I will talk! (The queen stops and goes to him)
QUEEN: (Puts her face next to his and smells him) You don't smell like fear.
RONON: Of you? No.
QUEEN: I know that look. (She puts her hand next to his face; Ronon is struggling to resist) I know that smell. (Ronon grins) You are a runner. (She opens Ronon's top and sees the marks on his chest. She looks at another wraith) He's a good fighter. We'll keep him for the arena. (Looks at Marshall next to Ronon) What about you? What do you smell like?
MARSHALL: Come and find out. (She smiles, opens his vest, and is about to feed on him)
MCKAY: This is pathetic! (She stops. A wraith comes and punches Rodney on his head. The queen gestures for him to stop and gets up and goes to Rodney)
MARSHALL: Shut the hell up, McKay!
MCKAY: I'm not taking orders from you! (The queen arrives in front of him, McKay looks scared but tries not to show it) Nor from you either! You want to kill us, huh? Well, we're all stuck on this planet, anyway. So go ahead. Kill us. But then you're losing your only chance of getting out of here.
QUEEN: Lying will not get you anywhere, human!!

Stargate Atlantis 3 : Zakmus part 2, Unfinished businessWhere stories live. Discover now