Chapter 1

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Christina POV:

Christina: Mama, are you really sending me to my grandparents? I don't even know them!

Faith: Stop questioning me!

Christina: You don't care about nobody but yourself! I hate you! (As I hurried to my room and slammed the door hard)


I crawled beneath my covers and cried till I fell asleep. My life was going to take a complete shift tomorrow.

The next day

Today's the day that my life takes a big shift. I immediately gathered up all of my bags and loaded them into the Uber's trunk. Suddenly my momma walks out, stands outside the door while puffing on her cigarette.

Faith: Do you have everything?

She have a lot of nerve talking to me! As if she were even interested. I rolled my eyes at her and returned my attention to the trunk so I can shut it.

Faith: I'm sorry! I just- I can't take care of you. ( Putting down her cigarette as tears begin to fill up in her eyes)

Christina: You don't care about anyone but your awful, filthy, and dirty boyfriend! You're not sorry! As I climbed into the back of the Uber, "I hope you enjoy your new life now that you've finally gotten rid of me." (Moving my focus to the Uber) Thank you, you can drive.

My eyes started to fill up with tears as we pulled off. I had trouble breathing. I just wish I wasn't alive. Even though I was mad at my mom I still loved her and wanted to be with her.

Finally, after a half hour, we arrived at the Chicago train station. I just fell asleep for the majority of my four-hour ride to Detroit. After that, we arrived at the train station in Detroit. After getting everything I needed—just my purse and backpack—I got off the train. I then heard someone calling my name as soon as I stepped off the train...

Unknown: Christina? (They said in a soft raspy voice)

I turned around to see a lady with blonde hair next to a tall man wearing a hat and glasses.

Unknown: Oh my goodness, it's so good to finally meet you! (she smiles and walks up to give me a hug) She looked at me for a moment after she pulled away and started crying. After finishing, she wiped away her tears and said, "I apologize. I know you're wondering who we are." We are your grandparents! I don't know if your mother told you our names but I'm Karen and this is my husband Bishop J Drew Sheard but please call us nana and papa.

Bishop: Hello, my love. I can take this for you (he offers, giving me a hug and removing my book bag off my back).

Christina: H-Hey..

I had no idea how they looked; I had never met my grandparents before. To me, they are strangers. I just wanna go home!
After meeting them we hopped in their shining, white Range Rover, and headed out.

Karen: I'm so excited! I've been wanting to meet you for so long! (She says nearly jumping out of her passenger seat because of her excitement)

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