Bella Richard

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The school bus rumbled to a stop in front of our house, jolting me awake from my impromptu nap. Ashley's teasing voice cut through the fog of sleep as she nudged me gently.

"Wake up, sleepyhead."

I blinked groggily, realizing my head was resting on her shoulder. Straightening up, I glanced around, feeling disoriented for a moment.

"C'mon, let's go," Ashley said, already standing with her bag in hand.

I grabbed my bag from the floor and followed her off the bus, waving goodbye to our friends behind us.

Suddenly, Zack's voice called out from a group of boys nearby. "Bells!"

Grinning, I hurried over to him, and he swept me up into a hug, laughter bubbling between us.

Ashley joined us, shaking her head in amusement. "Seriously, Bells? Sleeping on the bus?"

I shrugged, feeling a bit sheepish. "Today was just a boring day."

"Well, your day just got better," Zack said with a grin. "Mom made your favourite pot pie for dinner."

My eyes widened in excitement. "Seriously? Pot pie?"

After exchanging hugs and greetings with Mom and Dad, we quickly made our way to our rooms to freshen up before dinner. The anticipation of indulging in Mom's pot pie added an extra spring to our steps as we changed out of our school uniforms.

As we reconvened at the dinner table, the aroma of the savoury pot pie filled the air, making my stomach rumble in anticipation. Dad, already seated, grinned mischievously as we took our places.

"So, how was school today, girls?" he asked, a twinkle in his eye.

Ashley launched into a lively recount of her day, detailing her cheer practice and the endless hours spent in class. I nodded along, adding occasional comments and laughter to her anecdotes.

When Dad turned to me, curiosity gleamed in his eyes. "And what about you, Bells? Any adventures in math class today?"

I sighed dramatically, recalling the tedious lessons and the struggle to stay awake. "Oh, you know, the usual. Pythagoras theorem and a classroom full of confusion."

Zack chuckled, reaching for a slice of pot pie. "Sounds thrilling. At least you had a chance to catch up on some sleep."

I grinned, helping myself to a generous portion of Mom's culinary masterpiece. "True, but nothing beats Mom's pot pie. It's worth staying awake for."

Mom beamed at the compliment, her eyes sparkling with pride. "Well, I'm glad you think so, sweetheart. Dig in before Zack finishes it all."

We laughed and chatted throughout the meal, savoring each bite of Mom's delicious creation. As the conversation turned to Zack's impending departure for university, a bittersweet sentiment hung in the air.

But amidst the inevitable changes, one thing remained constant: the warmth and love of family. As we lingered around the table, enjoying each other's company, I couldn't help but feel grateful for these simple moments of togetherness.

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