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Beers were open, steak was on the grill, and AC/DC was playing on our speaker.

Our bikes lined the forest edge, my guys were chattering amongst themselves, Sloane and Aspen sat with their feet in the waterhole, and life seemed normal. "So Prez," I turned my attention to one of my higher-ups Sam, flipping a steak when he sat on the table beside me, "What's up with the new girl, people seem to love her already." That was an understatement, as soon as she spoke back to Sharon, it was like she had her own little fan club, which she no doubt deserved, most people were too scared to stand up to the blonde annoyance. But Aspen didn't think anything of it, she just spoke what was on her mind, and probably multiple people's minds, and walked away like she didn't just piss off one of the most revenge-hungry women in the club.

"She's running from a shit situation," I shrugged, taking a long drink of the beer, it was cheap, and tasted like piss, but it made me smirk nonetheless, reminded me of the nights before I was in charge, and Bucky, Sam and I would ride up to this very spot and get wasted before walking into school the next morning. "She's funny as hell though, she's more than welcome to stay as long as she wants."

"She's also hot!" Bucky snickered from behind his beer and I shot him a look, "Look even Sloane says it, I'm allowed to agree with my girl."

It wasn't that Bucky was lying, because Aspen was definitely hot, especially now that I was seeing her real personality. She is easily someone I see warming my bed, maybe forever, who knows. But, I hated how everyone was looking at her, like she was theirs for the taking, even though she was very clearly wearing my leather jacket. Sure, it wasn't a cut, my cut specifically, but it was a subtle claim, I booted Sharon off my bike, and put the jacket on Aspen, hell she's wearing my sunglasses. I may as well tattoo a pretty little S on her at this point as a warning sign, so people would back off. Because if anyone was going to get to know Aspen, it was me. I was the one who saved her, I was the one who thought she was important enough to take, and I was the only one who wanted her to be in our care. Yet, everyone wants a piece of her.

"Hey!" A woman's voice called, gathering all of my attention, and I saw that it was Natasha, "Where's Sharon?"

My eyes fell on Aspen, who reached for the shoes that Sloane had her wearing, a pair of combat boots, and my eyebrows furrowed. What the hell? But then I heard it, the sirens, and my heart picked up. Sharon wouldn't have, she couldn't have. I didn't want to believe it, but as I watched Aspen lace up her boots, standing up and backing away from the watering hole, panic evident on her face, she knew what was happening. When her eyes landed on mine, I felt the breath be knocked from me, I needed to get to her, to get her out of here.

Before I could even set the beer down, Sharon burst through the trees, officers behind her, "She's scared," Sharon had her hand over her heart and the sickly sweet voice made me want to scream, this was the first step of revenge for Sharon, get rid of the only person who has my attention. "Over there officers," Aspen stood in the center of the open space, frozen, she didn't say anything, didn't look at anyone.

"Remember," One of the officers spoke to the others, "She spooks, she's a runner."

Aspen's hands curled into fists, but she didn't move, watching as the officer held his hand out in front of him, like he was approaching a scared dog. "Hi there Aspen," He took one step towards her and she stepped back, keeping distance between them. "I'm Officer Brown, careful," Aspen took another step and I carefully reached for the key to my bike, "It's time to go home."

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