Chapter 2 : Enchantment's Edge: The Tender Siege

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That night was a rough one for Atlas and Atlantis. Atlantis was in so much pain that she couldn't hold back the tears, and Sarah was heartbroken to see her friend in such agony. Meanwhile, Atlas was trying to figure out why Atlantis had run away in the middle of the night.

The queen was furious, but Atlas defended Atlantis, reminding the queen that she was human, not a campion. It was a long and restless night for all of them.

The next day, early morning, Atlas made a decision. He was going to confront Atlantis and ask her the reason for her sudden departure. With his younger brother Tyler by his side, Atlas set out for the palace. However, as they approached the gates, they fond Atlantis and Sarah quarreling with the guards.

Sarah : "Sir, I'm quite certain that I misplaced the seal somewhere in the palace last night during the ball. Let me take another look around the palace for that seal!"
Guard : "I am sorry mistress, but I can not permit you to do so."
Atlantis : "Then perhaps, with my seal in hand, I might be permitted to search for hers?"
Guard : "I'm sorry, but your pass only grants access to the kitchen, and does not permit wandering throughout the palace."
Atlantis : "I apologize, sir, but as we've misplaced our property, surely we're entitled to retrieve it. If we're not permitted, might you be able to recover it on our behalf?"
Guard : "Ladies, you are getting on my nerves now. Please get lost or else I have the authority to charge you for loosing your royal seal"
Atlantis : And my dear sir, that can be done only when we fail to find it, and here we are not even given a chance to go search for it."

The situation escalated now when one of the threatened to use force, brandishing a menacing whip.

Guard : "You ladies are shameless and mannerless, you need to learn how to talk to a MAN!!"

Before he could lash out, Atlas swiftly intervened, preventing the guard from using the whip. In a surprising turn of events, Tyler took matters into his own hands and swiftly dealt with the offending guard.

After the altercation, Atlantis and Sarah expressed their gratitude to the princes. However, despite their thanks, Atlantis avoided making eye contact with Atlas, her eyes reflecting a deep sadness. Atlas was determined to uncover the cause of her distress, but the sisters quickly left the scene straight to the ball room to search for Sarah's seal.

Unable to shake his concern for Atlantis, Atlas delved into the matter further. As a member of the royal family, it didn't take long for him to uncover certain details about the sisters. However, the mystery behind Atlantis's sudden departure continued to elude him.

Upon learning from a maid that Atlantis was baker at the palace, Atlas sought her out for a conversation. However, just as he was about to engage her, a summons from the Queen drew him away abruptly.

The Queen beckoned Atlas with a sly smile and said, "In our kingdom alone, there's a bounty of maidens, not to mention the many princesses from afar eager for your hand. Have you given thought to any of them? Perhaps I should send out invitations?"

Atlas replied with a gentle tone, "Forgive me, Mother, but my heart isn't free to roam. It's captured by that one maiden, the one I chose for the dance."

The Queen interjected, a note of concern in her voice, "The very girl who spurned you before all our subjects?"

With earnest eyes, Atlas confessed, "Mother, her reasons are a mystery to me, yet her remorse seemed genuine. This morning, I caught a glimpse of sorrow in her eyes, glistening with tears. I must discover what weighs upon her heart."

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