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"You want to tell me you are his

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"You want to tell me you are his...nemesis". Excitement was obvious in my voice.
A chuckle left Alessendro's lips.
"I..well no.....I have known him since childhood..we are like... friends"He seemed to regret using the word 'friends'
My eyes widened
"Really?I don't believe it...There is no way that's true..."I took a sip of my wine still gaping at him.
Alessandro was a far better company than the person whom he just called a friend but instantly regretted.
I am thanking my stars up there to help me escape from him.
He thinks I am his possession and I am sure that was the reason why he was so pissed at Alessendro for taking me away.
And I love to see him pissed.Shocking, right???
"Trust is the secret only I know about him..that will make you believe me...He has a colourful dick"
I choked on my wine...and coughed making some of it slip to my neck.
A bubbly laugh left my throat.
"Yeah...wanna know how I know this?"
I shook my head.
"There was a time when both our mom's decided to meet at my house when we were like four...and they left us to take bath in swimming pool with tubes then I saw it..."
"Stop it..."I was bitting my lips hard to stop myself from laughing.
I wiped my chin with the tissue on the table
"It was truamatizing.You are going to have a hard time Catalina"He sighed while gulping down all of his wine.
His expression gave away only a light hint of amusement while he looked forward.
I followed his gaze and all the laughter vanished.
Roman was glaring..Nothing new I know..but this time it wasn't mere glare..It felt like one more second of his look and I will burn to ashes..
His nose flared.
"I...I will be back"Saying that I made my way to the restroom.

I stood near the wash basin after using the rest room.
After washing my hands,I close my eyes standing near it for few seconds.My hand pressed against the side of my now throbbing shoulder.
I needed a second to relax.
Letting out a sigh I opened my eyes and my body froze at what I saw in the mirror.

Roman leaned against the wall while swiping his phone.
The next second his eyes clashed with mine in the mirror.
A shaking  breath released from me.
"Wh-What are you doing here?"I turned
He forwarded his steps in my direction.
"What do you think?"His voice hard.
It took me only one step backward to bump into the wash basin.
" a ladies restroom..why are you here."
Every instinct of my body asking me to run.
"You need to know one thing..."
"I can know while I am outside."I tried to work on my instinct only to be pulled back to the same position.
The cool facade that he just had collapsed.
His hands slammed on either side of me.
My eyes would have slammed shut out of stimuli but didn't let that happen but my breath...that definately quickened.
"Was the joke so funny Catalina?"
My body buzzed with sensation at the address of my name from his lips.
"Excuse me?"
"You seem to have the best time with Alessandro.But unfortunately you are getting married to me."
"Ofcourse that's very unfortunate."
"Yeah,Right?"He plucked a tissue from the box next to me.

"But you know what Catalina".His voices dropped low.
The tissue in his grazing my chin.
Then it clicked me..there was some drop of wine still on me I thought to wipe it off but when I found him looking at me,all my instincts only told me to run.
I am such an idiot.
"You are my fiancee.And you will be my wife."The tissue now slipped lower on my neck..grazing my collarbone.
My body heated up at the contact.
"You like it or is happening and no one..."He seemed to be lost in his world while he wiped the wine off my neck.
I should stop him but he looked like he will snap any moment and it won't be good.
"I repeat NO ONE can stop that from happening...So if you want to make it easy for you,you are going to behave yourself.. I wouldn't like it if I saw you laughing with Alessandro or anyone for that matter."He took longer than necessary to wipe off the wine and when the contact broke,I released the breath that I was holding for so long.

"You get that?".
In that voice if he asks anyone to jump off the roof they will do it.Not that I am affected by it or anything but I nod.I just did.
It was comforting to think that it was because I didn't wanted to create a scene here but that was only to comfort me.And I refuse to acknowledge it.


The rest of the party was spent in a blur.Meeting people while always being beside him.Smiling, greeting and more smiling that's all I did.
As I got inside the car I thought I will get to  have some  rest after all this struggle.
Guess we don't get everything we want
As if you are getting anything you wanted
The voice in my head said.

"I got it! That's what your plan is... first torturing me to hell and back followed by killing me in some creepy place."

The man sitting next to me didn't bothered himself to lookup but I saw there a slight twitch on his lips.
I am definitely too worned up that's why I am imagining things.
There is no way this psycho almost smiled.

"Atleast tell me where you are taking me or I am jumping".
And the car stopped,my eyes widened at what I saw infront of me.
A huge apartment building.
"My home.I want you to meet someone".
I blinked.twice.
"Your mom?"
A look of displeasure passed his face.
I huffed.
"Then how about you tell me who is it?"
"How about you get out of the car first?".He gave me a deadly look.
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

After next few minutes we were on the top floor of the building after we took the elevator.
The door opened as Roman typed something on his mobile.

My lips parted.
"Wow!"The word escaped my mouth before I slapped it.

"Wow!"The word escaped my mouth before I slapped it

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He passed me look.
"Oh my god!"An old petite lady came into my view.
She proceeded to us with hurried steps and engulfed me into a hug taking me by surprise.
"Is she the girl,Malysh?"She looked at me with dreamy eyes before breaking the hug.
"Yes,and don't call me that".Roman gave a bored expression.
"Okay Malysh,as you say"She giggled after saying that.
Fine,I am already loving her.
She turned to me.
"What is your name, sweetheart?"
" Call me Cynthia dear.Well...Roman &Catalina.Sounds so good."
I forced a smile
"How did you two meet?"
"You asked me to  bring her.I did.Now tell me where are those files".
"I can't believe my Roman is getting married".
"I know he is really hard to get along but thankyou so much for loving my poor boy."
A victorious smile spread on the lady's mouth.
"First sit with us "Her eyes darted between us.

If someone had told me that Roman Sokolov would obey someone like this I would have agreed to pay for their stay in mental asylum but I am seeing it myself and I.Can't.Believe.It.

"Come here sit,Catalina."I sat down on the couch.Roman sat infront of us
He barely paid attention to us while
Cynthia continued to talk.
It was so evident that she loved him so much.
She knows him for more than twenty-five  years from now.She was brought here as his nanny.
And has stayed since then.
She told me about things related to him about his childhood and all.
I wasn't unaware of the subtle glances that he threw my way whenever I laughed or giggled at his childhood stories.
He was definitely getting pissed by how Cynthia told every nuisance he created as a child and to get a rise out of him I laughed harder.
He was sulking all the much as telling Cynthia to stop with her talking but she brushed his words off her shoulders just like dirt.
Comparing to the boring party,this was an amazing experience...having the amazing cake that she made and gossiping while the topic of the gossip sulked in the corner with a scowl.
After meeting Cynthia Roman sent  me back in his car.
I opened the door and entered inside my house.
Then it clicked.
The remnants of my smile vanished from my face.
Seven days.One hundred sixty eight hours.Ten thousand and eighty minutes.
And no scope to escape.........

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