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If someone asked me to title this day,I will call it a clusterfuck

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If someone asked me to title this day,I will call it a clusterfuck.Everytime I think that universe can't be any more bad,I think it takes it on its ego and becomes worse.The first thing that happened this morning to me was a viral fever and the next thing was the contract.The same fucking contract which I read with my own eyes word to word that I ended up memorizing it.Comes out the one I signed is not the one I read.
It doesn't matter if I have to go to prison,I will kill this man today.
"Where is your boss?"I banged my hand in front the receptionist.
The woman blinked at me taking in my appearance as if was a clown.Well that wouldn't be a lie as well.Because when Lily woke me up after she read the contract for time killing,her expression told me that something was fucked up.When I read it.... Suprise!It was fucked up.
I was still in my night dress..which included my cotton shorts and my flip flops.My hairs were spread in every direction where...well was a direction.
"May I know who you are miss?"She again took in my appearance.
"Where.Is.Your.Boss?"My patience was running thin.I don't like venting out my anger on the wrong person but this is too much to take.Too much to suffer.
"Miss Jones?"A familiar feminine voice had me turning my head.

The next minute I was storming inside a huge room..his office room to be exact.The body felt weak due to fever but who cared.
"Miss Jones,I am sure there is a misunderstanding".His blonde assistant brought me here all the while telling me not to creat a scene.I won't..since killing someone is not just creating a scene.
Two heads turned in our direction.
Roman Sokolov stood up from his seat tucking his hands in his pockets.
The other person was swiveled his chair in my direction watching me with curiosity.I looked at him for a second.Tall.Broad.And definately not an American and Handsome too but in a different kind of way than Roman Sokolov.
Wait!Did I just thought Roman Sokolov as handsome?
"You came here earlier than I expected."Roman's response annoyed me.He is never shocked or surprised.He behaves like he is a god who knows everyone's faith hence there is nothing left to imagination or shocks.
My anger fumed even more at his detached tone.I proceeded in his direction throwing the papers on his desk.
His brows furrowed,and again it was not because of my actions.They furrowed after his eyes moves from my head to toe.
"One second..."This idiot!
He glanced at the other man who was smirking at something before and now the very man left the office along with the assistant.
"You have the damn audacity to stop me for even a millisecond after what you have done"My voice wasn't in control.My mind wasn't in control.
"What have I done?Enlighten me."He took a step in my direction.
"You are a  cheater..You made me sign these papers...these...these aren't the ones I read"I pointed towards the papers thrown on his desk.
"But these are the papers you signed..So what you read..what you thought doesn't matter"His words and his eyes both were soulless..What else was I expecting?He is a monster.Believing anything that he said has gotten me here.
"You have no shame"My hand flied on its own accord towards his face and one hold of his fist around my back hit the desk.
I was trapped in his hold.
"You don't get to slap me after your own stupidity Catalina Jones."Cold fury evident in his words
"You should have been more careful with me.You should have thought before messing with me."He banged his hand the desk almost making me jump.
Tears stringed my eyes.But I don't let them slip...This man doesn't deserves to see my tears...No man deserves to see my tears.
"Its all about your ego isn't it...But remember one thing Roman Sokolov ..I.Won't.Marry.You."I said on his face.Not fearing the proximity.Nor fearing the fact that his tiny finger is probably stronger than my whole body.
" will Catalina.Because if you won't then you will lose your god damn coffee shop...Because you have signed for it..No pun intended"His face had the devilish smirk..His real face.
"I will find a way out of this...out of you"My voice raising it's level with every word.
"You won't have a escape...You are trapped.Think if you have anything here..."His finger tapped at the side of my head.
"You won't only lose your coffee shop but ...Daniel White will also lose his job..."My eyes widened at his words.
He knows?
My expression definately sent a rush of satisfaction through him.
"What were you thinking?I won't know about it.He was the one who helped you with your trespassing to my property.Wasn't he?"He paused
"Is he your boyfriend,Catalina?"His voice dropped low with danger lurking in it.
And the way he said my name was even more dangerous
"Why should I tell you?"I lifted my chin staring straight into his eyes.I felt a burning sensation in my head and an ache making its way inside.
He gripped my arms and when I thought another threat was coming..his expression changed.
His hand travelled up my arm making me squirm
"What are..."Dizziness covered my senses.
"You have a fever."His hand rested against my forehead.
I slapped his hand away.
"None of your goddamn business.And remember one thing...I will make you regret this,Roman Sokolov"I made my way away from him and it was annoying that it was because he let me leave and not because I wanted to.


This feels so amazing,so surreal.My mom's dream has come true.
I looked at my coffee shop and satisfactory smile pulled on my lips.
"You did it,bud"My mom's proud look made my eyes teary.
She looked beautiful just like always and the gentle smile still on her lips.
"Mom are you happy?"I took her hand in mine.
"Yes baby...I am"she kissed my forehead like always.
"You have grown so a beautiful flower which survived every storm of her life."Her eyes grew teary too.
"Comeon.Don't cry...why don't you see this Coffee shop mom..."
She nodded and went inside.
As I took a step to follow her inside someone pulled me back and covered my mouth.I tried to scream looking at mumma.
She is not seeing me...why isn't she looking at me????
And in  fraction of a second the shop caught fire....
My eyes widened.
Red flames starting covering the structure .
I tried to kick the person who was holding me so I could go to my mom..I need to save her.
But I couldn't move... why the hell is this happening.
My mom looked at me...finally.
I wiggled under the control of that person but everything in vain.
The fire grew more and became huge.
My mom was surrounding by it so was my cafe.
Why isn't she coming out???She should run.
She stood there with dead eyes and placed her on the glass.
My scream were muffled.My body was held under the control of that person.
"You couldn't save me Bud."My mom's voice echoed in my ears.
"and you couldn't this Cafe as well."

"Nooooooo!!!!!"I screamed and why eyes shot open.
Dark.It was completely dark.
I looked around to see that I was in my room.My nerves relaxed.
Memories rushed back.When I came back I still had fever.Lily gave me soup and then some medicine before going to her room.
I touched my forehead.It didn't work!
I still had fever.
It's two'o clock
My eyes fell on the opened window of my balcony.A black figure lurked in the shadows.I rushed to balcony after switching on the lights.
But there was no one. Strange!
And when I came back..I saw different tablets on the side table.
Lily must have kept it.I took the pill after checking it and went to bed.
Thoughts of my business.My coffee shop being in danger covered my mind.
What if he succeeded?
No I won't let him take my shop away even if I have to sacrifice my self.My cafe is the only belonging of Mom left with me.
With the weakness in my body I passed out soon

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