-Looks like I judged you a bit too poorly, my dear Talulah. I would have never imagined you'd fall in love with someone, specially after having lost almost all the people you cared for...

-No, I won't allow Will suffer the same as Alina and the others. - She replied, her words full of resolve. - I'll protect him with my dear life if it ever comes to that.

-So that's his name, huh? He must be a pretty handsome boy if he's managed to catch your heart. It would even interesting to meet him in person...

-Don't you dare! - Talulah furiously exclaimed. -I'm not letting you lay a finger on him, you vile snake!

The liberi woman let out a soft giggle.

-Don't be so violent, my dear daughter. At this rate you'll end up enraging someone... - The fake warmth in her voice vanished completely, revealing the pure darkness underneath it. - And believe me, we all would hate if something bad were to happen to your Willy... Hahahaa!!...

She didn't wait for her to finish. She had had enough.

Brandishing her sword, Talulah dashed towards Koshelna and threw a devastating slash. She reacted to the attack barely in time and bent her torso backwards, dodging the incoming blade by mere millimeters. After the initial shock, the liberi woman counterattacked with her gun and fired the entire cartridge at the Draco. She deflected the shots with her Arts, but it gave Koshelna enough time to close in and go for a punch to her jaw. Upon spotting her rival's move, Talulah blocked her fist and, with a swing of her sword, sent the liberi crashing against the wall. Koshelna attempted to stand up from the floor, but the wounds she had sustained rendered her unable to move. Seeing there was no other way out, she threw a glare at Talulah and said under her breath.

-Looks like you've got me this time, ughh...

-Don't be so melodramatic. - The Draco walked over to Koshelna and, pressing her sword's tip against her neck, added. - It's over, Kashchey. You've got no escape.

The liberi sighed in resignation. It seemed like everything had come to an end... but then, right when the two least expected it, they heard someone shout.

-Злоумышленники!! Открытый огонь!! (Intruders!! Open fire!)

The Russian soldiers unleashed a torrent of bullets in their direction, forcing Talulah to release Koshelna and seek refuge behind a shelf. The liberi did same, albeit unfazed by the shots and with a grin on her face, not believing her luck.

-Today's my lucky day it would seem. - She got back on her feet and, shooting a totally unconcerned glance at the Draco, said. - Well, it was an enjoyable meeting, yet I'm afraid it's time to take my leave.

Talulah's visage twitched slightly.

-You damned snake... Don't think I'll let you off so easily.

-Hehehehee, don't worry my dear. - Contested Koshelna in a mocking tone. - Sooner or later we'll cross our paths again, I have no doubt of it. Until then, goodbye... - She began to walk away, but right before leaving, she spun her head around and added and added a few last words of farewell. - Ah, before I forget! Next time we meet, please bring Willy along with you, I'm really dying to get to know him... And now yes, goodbye.

-Tch. - Talulah helplessly watched Koshelna slowly disappear into the darkness... until she was gone.

"I'll put an end to your evil plans, I swear", she silently said to herself.

Now that Koshelna had left the scene, the only enemies remaining were the Russians. Taking a hold of her weapon, Talulah crawled to a better position and took shelter there from the bullets flying overhead. The soldiers continued with their relentless barrage to try take the Draco down, but after a minute of constant shooting they ran out of ammo and gave her the opening to strike back.

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