"you need to pay attention infront of you, im finna run yo ass off"

he went to the other side and i sped up, now passing him up.

"oh fuck no" he screamed

"move rell you getting too close stop" i yelled

the go karts are fast as fuck and im driving this reckless, i do not need him hitting me.

"i thought we was onnat" he yelled back

"i was playing bae"

we was halfway thru the track and i was going fast as hell, still infront of him, i tried to turn when a turn came up but i ran into the lil wall thing.

rell stopped when he got to me.

"you good bae" he asked

"yeah im good"

"that bug big as hell"

i jumped

"where" i screamed

he pulled off and left me.

"oh you bitch" i laughed

i had to back up and then try to go catch up.

i heard him laughing from way infront of me.

my kart started to slow down, oh hell nah, i tried to push it but the kart wasn't having it.

by the time i made it back to start, rell was standing there smiling hard as fuck.

"you a whole cheater"

"how i cheated bae" he laughed

"that's wack, i won"

"you a sore loser, cheer up bae" he said, kissing my forehead

i been feeling so good lately, my new boo treating me better than tae ever did.

im starting to realize even more how childish and wack the toxic shit was.

it really feels good to be loved.

"ima go get the eggs bae"


im making him bake with me today, and of course he had no choice.

after getting what i needed, i started to walk to where my man was.

"nee" i heard, making me turn around

unfortunately it was tae, ugh leave me alone.

"what tae, i dont have all day"

"i gotta talk to you foreal"

"im here, this the only place we talking, im not meeting you nowhere"

"do you have another nigga" he asked

"no, i have my only nigga, what you mean another" i asked, "i dont want nothing to do with you" i added

"who this nigga is" he asked

"why does it matter, go talk to nae and leave me alone"

dev came stood by us.

"wassam bro, everybody in this bih today" tae said

dev grabbed my waist and spoke back

"hold up"

tae made a evil face that i've never saw before.

"this yo nigga" he asked

"yeah im her nigga"

he punched dev in his face.

dev punched him into the freezer door and was doing him in.

tae dodged one of dev hits and moved away from the freezer.

this shit is so ghetto.

"dev stop" i said constantly

two men came over and broke them up.

"nigga you slimed out"

"learn how to treat ya girl bitch nigga" dev said, walking off, "let me go get some new eggs bae"

"ion even wanna bake nomo"

"you can't let that bitch ass nigga ruin this for us"

"you right bae, you right"

tae always messes everything up, i just hope we would leave me the fuck alone!

"you want something out here" rell asked

"uhhh, no im good"

"you sure" he asked


rell got out the car and walked into the store.

when he came out, i seen a man creeping up behind him.

rell doesn't keep his gun on him cause he know how it makes me feel, so he just leave it in the glove compartment.

the man had something in his hand but i couldn't see clearly, i grabbed the gun and got out the car, seeing the man more clearly.

what the fuck?


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