Chapter One

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You lay in bed on your phone, you were texting your friend Angel Dust.

Y/N: how's the hotel...wait...what's it called again?

Angel Dust: it's called the Hazbin hotel, it's been okay

Y/N: I was thinking of moving there

Angel Dust: Ooo u should definitely do that!

Y/N: alright, I will. How's Fat Nuggets?

Angel Dust: *sends you a picture of Fat Nuggets, who is curled up asleep beside him*

Y/N: Awwwww. Okay I have to go now, I gotta start packing my stuff!

Angel Dust: K. See u in a bit

Y/N: Alright

You set your phone down and walk over to your closet, pulling out a suitcase.

You open it, then turn and grab your clothes out of your dresser.

You neatly place them into the suitcase, zipping it up afterwards.

You opened the door to the balcony of your room, carrying the suitcase.

You stand on the edge of the balcony and then you open your wings, leaping into the air and taking off.

You knew that Valentino wouldn't be too happy about you moving out without informing him beforehand.

You would surely get some sort of punishment tomorrow, but for now you didn't care.

The sun was going to start setting soon, so you knew you had to hurry if you were going to make it before nightfall.

You were tired but you pushed yourself to keep flying.

~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~

You finally reached your destination.

The hotel stood before you, and you landed in front of it. 

You stepped inside the hotel.

Angel Dust was there, waiting for you.

He came over to you.

"Everyone else is asleep already, you can sleep in my room tonight, there's extra blankets in the closet, so I can sleep on the floor" Angel Dust informs you.

"No, I'm not going to make you sleep on the floor" you began "It's just one night, I'll be fine sleeping on the floor".

Angel Dust shrugs " sure?".

You nod.

Angel Dust leads you to the elevators and presses the up button,

You both wait for the elevator to get there.

One of the elevators dings and then opens, you both get in.

Angel dust presses the button for the 2nd floor.

The elevator door closes and it starts travelling upward.

You and Angel Dust get off on the second floor.

"This way" Angel Dust says, leading you down the hallway.

He stops at his room and unlocks it using a key. 

He opens the door and allows you to go in first, then he goes in as well. 

Angel dust closes the door. 

Fat Nuggets comes running up to you, you pat his head.

"You can just put that on my bed for now" he says, nodding towards your suitcase.

You place it on his bed.

He grabs the spare blankets from the closet and hands them to you.

You take them and see that there are two blankets, you fold one up slightly and laid it down on the floor, then placed the other one on top of it. 

When you were finished, you grabbed your F/C (favorite color) pyjamas out of your suitcase and went into the bathroom.

You closed and locked the door behind you.

You removed your clothes and put on your pyjamas.

You exited the bathroom and saw that Angel Dust had moved your suitcase onto his dresser.

He was now in his bed.

Fat Nuggets was scratching at the side of the bed, wanting to be put up with Angel Dust.

You lifted him up and put him on the bed, he curled up beside Angel.

You got into your makeshift bed. 

Angel Dust tossed you a pillow, you caught it and put it under your head.

"Thanks, Angel" you said.

"No problem" he responded "good night".

"Good night".

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