His masculine scent surrounded me, and my mind became foggy.

"Then why did you kill him?" He asked slowly. I looked up at him, my eyes boring into his. This was the closest we've ever been. This is the closest I've ever been to another male who wasn't a friend.

It was exhilarating, having him this close, so close that I could hear his calm breathing, and I'm pretty sure he could hear my uneven one.

"I-I didn't."

I wasn't lying, I didn't kill the omega, I'm sure of it. Even though Cassius told me to, and I imagined him dying, I wasn't the one responsible for his death.

"I don't hate you."

My eyes grew as the words left his lips, and his smirk turned into a small smile. "Y-you don't?"

His eyes lightened a bit, and life was finally present in his usually dim eyes. He brought his face closer to mine.

" I've never hated you."

Maybe I was a little desperate, but the way I saw it, I was just selfish for doing this. I wanted to be selfish for once, so I wrapped my arms around his torso.

He was tense at first, probably caught off guard, but after a few seconds, he slowly wrapped his arms around me, caging me in.

The night air was cold, but he made me warm, having him this close felt perfect. It felt like no other feeling, the way our bodies fit together like perfect pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

I continued to revel in his warm embrace, wanting to never leave, I didn't know what tomorrow would be like. He might not be this nice to me, so I wanted to enjoy the moment.

By morning I was a blushing mess, my mind was filled with Zephyr, nothing more happened other than the hug and he told me to try and get some sleep but to me that was so much more.

That gave me hope that something more could happen between us. That was for another day, though because right now was a different story.

Right now I was surrounded by people, I didn't get the chance to roll out of bed and question life like always, instead I had multiple people barge into my room.

"Sir, would you like for me to bathe you?"

I looked at the two women in front of me.

"Your majesty, your breakfast"

"Sir, your suits here."

"We are here to do your hair, sir."
My eyes twitched a bit. "One thing at a time, please!" I squealed, and they all bowed. When they all stopped fussing, I took the chance to tell the order in which things would go.

First, I will have breakfast. It was nothing big, which I was grateful for. I didn't like to eat a lot. Lara was probably responsible for this. After breakfast, I walked to the bathroom, and the two women followed me.

I turned around right in front of the bathroom door, and they both stopped and looked at me.

"I can bathe myself, thank you." I stated.

They looked at each other, then back at me "I'm sorry, you're majesty, but we were told to give you a bath."

Now, who would tell them that?


Of course, "Well I'm telling you I can do it myself." They gave stiff, and Hesitant nods. I walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

After my bath, I walked back into the room, and now only two people were there, one of them being Patrick.

"Your suit," he stepped aside to reveal a stunning white suit.

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