Chapter 15

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Izare  ~~    E-zaa-re
Kingdom Kayaasa
Year 1500s

She shivered under the aura , prayers flew through her mind , like birds , as she looked at everyone .

Her sudden goose bumps changed to calmness as the man , smiled with happiness and bowed with curtsy . The crowd laughed , bowing as well .

"Welcome back , Your Majesty" he said . Pearl looked at Aiden and it happened to be the same with him , both of them cheered up with happiness .

"We - really apologise for - our behaviour last time but now we have understood , that getting ordered by a lady - isn't that wrong" he said .

Pearl smiled with happiness - I did it , she thought , shrieking , she smiled brightly .

"The people of Kayaasa , it's great to meet you all again but this time with ...pride and happiness , now uh here is it , Queen Pearl Alexander Ivan" Aiden announced and the crowd hooted , making Pearl smile and he nodded for her to speak .

"It's - it's a great pleasure , to finally come back , sorry for the surprise though but His Highness has finally decided to take a look at Kayaasa and I feel quite proud by your smiling faces and the real bright lighten enjoyment , let's get ready and show that the Kayaasa's aren't any less than the Jaraeb's , is it!" She shouted and everyone cheered , happiness ran from each corner to the other , the bottom to the top .... For her , liveliness was finally back in her kingdom .

"Get ready for tomorrow ! Make this Izare festival the best of all! " She shouted , finally taken back by Louis , on the way back to her castle , getting enough rest and making everything ready for King Niall's arrival .


"Clean ! Yeah , okay okay okay ! Fast girls , put the cushion back in place , uh the curtain isn't matching the colour , Mavis , go to the tailor and fast get it's side embroidered ! " Pearl's voice echoed from each corner , busy Queen ...

Aiden was fast asleep in the guest room , snoring his voice out , half laid on the floor , pillow hugged to his chest . While she got up early , being the morning bird she was , shouting at the maids and salves , making the palace as clean as possible .

She ran from one corner to the other , settling some things herself to perfection , what she generally called the pin points as . Cleanliness specific was all she was .

"Everyone should be dressed properly ! Hair done properly ! Disciple is all needed !" She shouted . Tiara on the other hand , enjoyed the view , after a long time she saw the palace alive , after a long time she saw the workers working with skilfulness . Being Pearl's best friend , no one dared to order her except , Pearl herself .

"Tiara , it's almost time , have you seen Aiden anywhere ? I'm worried , what if these people don't behave properly , what if everything goes wrong , what if His Highness doesn't find it good and then he'll find another reason to make fun of me ! " She asked , tensed , biting her nails , walking beside her best friend . Tiara shook her head and smiled .

"Pearl , Pearl , Pearl , it's just okay , deep breaths - I'm sure he'll love everything what you've done and of course you , in this attire " Tiara said and smirked .

Pearl sighed "Tiara , sometimes it's not always easy to make people like you, so falling in love - it's- it's kind of a long journey" Pearl sighed , popping her lips and Tiara smiled with sympathy , not until they heard , people shouting !

"He's here!" One of the maid , shrieked , running to the window . Pearl widened her eyes , grabbing Tiara's shoulders . "Oh my god , oh my god , oh my god ! Isn't too soon!" She shouted , jumping as well while Tiara gave her a bored look .

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