Chapter 7

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Year 1500s
Kingdom Jaraeb .

Settling my veil and the gown I wore today , I pressed my lips together . Today was another new day , a day from which my life would begin , I wasn't ready for this , wanted to turn back and say no to his highness , back to my life where I could be killed by my kingdom's riches and ministers .

My maids pushed me a little which according to them would aid me to take my first step , urging the confidence , taking the next step , it was . No turning back until the next few days or even months , maybe forever .

Walking to the platform , I looked around at the amount of people who came here , just to meet me , to congratulate me on the Kingdom's behalf , to attend my coronation ceremony , officially as Queen Pearl . This day is quite unexpected , different as well as intriguing .

Because it's my coronation ceremony .

King Ivan has made all the arrangements just to make it special for his kingdom . Settling my golden gown again , filled with gems and stones , red embroideries outlined , preventing me to be insecure much , I looked up at the crowd.

Open , was it . People standing , smiling with proud as King Ivan , led his hand up in the air with honour .

The sun shone brightly , giving a tantalising effect and forcing me to squint my eyes , I stood at the platform and the golden facade was drawn in front of me , tradition of Jaraebs' , the people were not allowed to see the Queen through the direct eye .

"Gentlemen , today we are gathered here , to pronounce our Queen , the mother of the Jaraeb Kingdom , my Queen , Pearl Alexander Ivan" King said , his voice kept raising in the end , smile widely . The crowd hooted and the drums were beated against the soft membranes , vibrating the already alive aura around .

"The Jaraeb's have been waiting for this day since years , we begged for this day . Our King was just fifteen some years back , alone as we all remember , but now he's almost complete , not only a King but a husband as well and we too , are almost complete . My lady , we all were depressed to know about our late King and Queen making their heavenly aboard long time back , but we knew this person had the capability and as he grew up , curiosity got the best of us about our new Queen , someone he'd bring for us . It was he , who helped us grow up , but now here is it , he's brought a beautiful Queen for all of us . I'm sure , she'll be there for us always , she'll work hard , she won't let us down , she would take care of our beloved King , she would do the best for us and she would be there for our -- future Prince or princess as well !" The priest shouted , his voice echoing around the people with smiling and serious faces .

King Alexander nodded , taking a quick glance my side through the golden pores , he made his way to me and stood beside me , behind the facade , a guard pushed a silver tray near him and he grabbed the sword covered with red sheath , touching it to his forehead , he made a cross sign in the air , finally looking at me , the trumpets blew once and silence fell around .

The wind blew with flow , no whisper , no sound . Pulling the silver metal out of it's cover , he touched it to my shoulders , each time and nodded . Taking a deep breath , praying to God , I bent down , bowed at His Highness while he touched the sword to my head and once again the beats made the foreground provocative .

Picking up the crown from the red comforter , he held it high up in the air and laid it on my head . As soon as it touched my head , the crowd roared with liveliness again and the music filled the enchanting environment .

"He is now complete with Her Highness ! Oh That ! The Lord , bliss the King and Queen with prosperity , paradise and good spirit" the priest shouted and sprinkled holy water on us , mumbling few prayers and touched my head .

"Welcome to the Kingdom , My Queen" he said and bowed . I smiled .


"And this is , one of the most interesting part of the great ancestors of Jaraeb's" Elena said and giggled .

We had been walking around and through all the towers which co-joined to form a one massive castle , since hours now , even then it was not even half yet . There were even some rooms created with bricks and cements , which she said , His Highness stayed only when it rained or on his choice .

The royal garden where he'd love to walk in blooming mornings , even help to sow the seeds . The stables , were he loved the be in his free time , ride around on his favourite , Thunder , jet black horse with shades of white mixed up . The royal kitchen , where he'd love to order new things , which would sometimes come up great or else burnt .
His study , where he discussed important matters of the Kingdom with Louis . The vacant area , on the other fort with silky white curtains around , white pillars and cemented , well painted white roofs , where he'd practice sword fighting with his cousin Liam or General Aiden , sometimes alone . Also that , all the forts were joined by some railings and bridges passing from one's end to other's .

We were now standing in front of a great room , shiny and crystal clear , no door but a golden curtain , pulling it aside , I walked inside , gasping at the sight .

"Told you" she smiled .

Where the floor was made with designs , spaces filled with gold and solitaires , even the bed made was of rubies and gold , bigger than our domus with numerous windows which could highlight the night sky . The roof was perfect with emeralds and Safire fixed perfectly , small mirrors reflecting the sun's ray and visibility of the eyes .

"Nofret" I whispered , smiling at the sight laying beside me .

"You know what's the best part?" She asked , I looked at her and shook my head . Grabbing my hand , she made me sit on the hard bed-- bench , curtains were hung around it's border from the small hook fixed on the roof which fell down , creating the bed itself , personal . Golden and white...

"White..." I whispered .

"Yeah , it's his favourite colour " she said .

"Why so?" I asked

"He says , it gives him peace , calmness , like - like the sword fighting area" she said and nodded at her own comment . I hummed .

She stood in the middle of the room , laughing and turning around , dancing on her hum , her gown flowing .

"I've heard that this room was made by the ancestors of King Ivan " she whispered , looking around .

"Wow that's really beautiful" I said , she closed her eyes .

"No , your highness , the reason behind it was that one of his great great ... grand Father was really romantic and loving , he had hundreds of Queens , he wanted to make each of them feel special , so he made this room . So every night he brought one of his Queens here and they both had their best nights ever" she said and giggled with blush creeping on my face .

"Since then , the first symptom of any new Prince or Princess was because of this very room" she said . I was stunned .

"I wish , I was you... Don't mind , but you're the luckiest of all " she said , sitting next to me .

" sure?" I asked , awkwardly , fidgeting with my hands .

"Don't worry your highness , His Majesty won't take any time in taking you here again , but- with him" she laughed while I slapped her hand and ran out .

"Giving rise to the new family" she shouted from behind .

Interesting....was the only word that came to my mind .


Nofret - Beautiful ...

What do you think?

The coronation! Wow.

But what makes me get feels , it's the roommmmmm!!!! Ow.. Simple - Pearl is life goals for me .

Prabhleen <3

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